SharePoint Distributed Cache

Distributed Cache should be patched separately from SharePoint (DC updatess will not come with SharePoint CUs…).

Do not use SharePoint Distributed Cache with your custom code.


Useful commands

Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {($_.service.tostring()) -eq "SPDistributedCacheService Name=AppFabricCachingService"} |fl
Get-AFCacheHostConfiguration -ComputerName XXX -CachePort "22233"
$svc=$f.Services | ? {$_.Name -eq "AppFabricCachingService"}
#Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance –Graceful
#Update-SPDistributedCacheSize -CacheSizeInMB 1024
#Grant-AFCacheAllowedClientAccount -Account "domain\upsa_runas_account"
get-command -module DistributedCacheAdministration



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SharePoint Workflow Manager setup

(see also Part1: SharePoint Workflow Manager Review)

Installation (offline) step-by-step

Ensure hardware/software requirements. Ensure/configure your server (time, time zone, IP, hostname, domain, language, region, ESC, updates, event log).

Accounts you need (for example):

  • Svc-WFM-FarmAdm – domain users + local admin on WFM Servers, DBCreator and SecurityAdmin on SQL
  • Svc-WFM-SBAcc – domain users
  • Svc-WFM-WFAcc – domain users

DNS: points to Workflow Manager Server (or load-balancer)

On an Internet connected machine:

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SharePoint 2013 and Certificates. Quick Guide.


SharePoint Apps

wildcard SSL cert (* is needed

$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "c:\wfm.cer"
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "Workflow Manager Farm" -Certificate $trustCert

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SharePoint 2013 Configure an environment for apps Quick Guide

Configure App Management Service Instance and Service Application

purchase a domain name from a domain name provider for your apps, for example,
create a forward lookup zone for the app domain name (
create a wildcard Alias (CNAME) record for the new domain name (* ->
create a wildcard SSL certificate for app domain (*

Start App Management and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings services.

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SharePoint Workflow Manager quick review and setup guide

What is Workflow Manager

  • Formerly Azure Workflow Server/Services (AWS)
    – Same “code base” as Windows Azure Service Bus
  • Windows Workflow Foundation – .NET 4.5
  • Scalable and reliable workflow engine
  • REST based
  • Multi-tenant capable – logical construct of “scopes” provides partitioning

SharePoint 2013 Workflow Manager in comparison with 2010

  • Future of WF
  • Decoupled from SharePoint, and supporting other consuming platforms
  • Declarative only
  • On Premises or Cloud
  • Consistent with .NET Framework Workflow
  • Much more capable
  • App friendly
  • Available in SharePoint Server only


One or three servers (Service Bus and quorum implementation)

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Office Web Apps = WAC (Web Application Companion)

Outlook Web Access = OWA

Can be used by SharePoint, Exchange, Lync.
Can be shared between SharePoint Farms.
Used, OneDrive and Yammer.

Based on new WOPI protocol (open, documented) = Web Application Open Plaform Interface
WOPI hosts (SharePoint…); WOPI Apps/Clients (WAC, Office Web App)

Licensing. Free for viewing. Edit licence comes with Office Std/Pro license.

Support ODF 1.2, PDF.

How WAC/WOPI works:



3 servers in WAC farm to support high availability and still be able to upgrade/pach the farm.

(recommendation) use session affinity on the load balancer

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SharePoint and CMMi

(статья не закончена)

Как любой большой и сложный продукт, SharePoint можно использовать по-разному: начиная с самых простых сценариев и заканчивая самыми продвинутыми.

Самая большая и самая распространённая ошибка при внедрении SharePoint – это начать использовать весь его функционал сразу, да ещё и попытаться что-то разработать на этой платформе. Не по Сеньке шапка.

А какая шапка по Сеньке? В каком виде SharePoint может быть полезен в данной конкретной организации? Считаю тут уместным привнести понятие CMM ( чтобы как-то классифицировать организации).


Согласно CMM все организации…

В ноябре 1986 года американский институт Software Engineering Institute (SEI) начал разработку обзора зрелости процессов разработки программного обеспечения (для помощи в улучшении их внутренних процессов).


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