Tag Archives: PnP.PowerShell

Search through Microsoft 365 SharePoint from code

Below is how do I search Microsoft 365 content programmatically from PowerShell using MS Graph API, PowerShell PnP, Microsoft Graph module, MSAL library being authenticated as user or daemon application. Let me focus on SharePoint content here but you can use the same technique to search through other Microsoft 365 services. Also, I’ll be using PowerShell but same ideas should work for other platforms/languages – Python, C#, node.js etc.

First, we need to be authenticated

Here is how to authenticate to Microsoft 365 Graph API.

Second, we need to be authorized

To search on behalf of currently authenticated user we need delegated “Sites.Read.All” API permissions. I recommend you to add both Graph API and SharePoint API permissions as different libraries might use different API’s under the hood. Ensure you add delegated “Sites.Read.All” even if you already have “Sites.FullControl.All” as by some reason “Sites.FullControl.All” does not always work for search.

Here is how an app API permissions to search as current user should look like:

app API permissions to search as current user

Actually, for interactive authentication app ownership is not required, so we can surely use our own registered app, but also it is possible to use any other app registered in Azure and properly configured, e.g. Enterprise “PnP Management Shell” app id: “31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e”
How do I create and configure Azure App with delegated permissions to SharePoint for PowerShel usage

For unattended search – e.g. search on behalf of daemon app – we need application “Sites.Read.All” API permissions. Again, I suggest both Graph API and SharePoint API permissions added. Here is how an app API permissions to search as daemon app should look like:

Ensure you got admin consent for API permissions.

In case you have incorrect permissions in your app – Microsoft Graph will be kind enough to inform you exactly what you need. Example:

“Access to ChatMessage in Graph API requires the following permissions: Chat.Read or Chat.ReadWrite, ChannelMessage.Read.All. However, the application only has the following permissions granted: Sites.Read.All, User.Read”

Assuming we have configured apps – let us get started with

Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft Graph API allows search through all the Microsoft 365 content – including Exchange e-mail messages, Yammer (Viva Engage) and Teams chat messages and surely OneDrive and SharePoint content (please refer to the original doc).

Authenticate as current user to Search with Graph API

I use MSAL.PS PowerShell module to get token, then I build a headers variable

# Prerequisites
Get-Module MSAL.PS -ListAvailable | ft name, Version, Path 
# Install-Module MSAL.PS -Force -Scope CurrentUser -AcceptLicense
Import-Module MSAL.PS

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
$token = Get-MsalToken -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $clientid -Interactive
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)" }

Authenticate as service/daemon app

You’d need to update the script providing Tenant id, client (app) id and client (app) secret:

# App Authentication
$clientID = ""
$clientSc = ""
$TenantId = ""

# Construct URI and body needed for authentication
$uri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = @{
    client_id     = $clientID
    client_secret = $clientSc
    scope         = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"
    grant_type    = "client_credentials" 

# Get OAuth 2.0 Token
$tokenRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
$token = ($tokenRequest.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $token" }

Search m365 SharePoint and OD content with Microsoft Graph API

In this sample I limited search scope to list items only ($entityTypes = “[‘listItem’]”). Check other entity types here.


# Search
$entityTypes = "['listItem']"
$apiUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/search/query"
$query = "*"
# body for interactive search
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

If you are getting error message “SearchRequest Invalid (Region is required when request with application permission.)”:

that’s OK, just modify your body to include region like this (“region”: “NAM” for North America or “GBR” or …). Also, I can modify body with from/size for paging (technique used to iterate through search results if there are many) and return just specific fields to decrease traffic and improve performance:

# Search
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem','list','drive','site']"
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem']"

$query = "LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-01-01"
$apiUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/search/query"
$query = "test*"
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"
      "from" : 0,
      "size" : 5,
      "fields": ["WebUrl","lastModifiedBy","name" ],
      "region": "NAM"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

We’d not use region for interactive calls or we’ll get “Region is not supported when request with delegated permission.”.

Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module

There is a Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module provided by Microsoft which simplifies authentication and search operations.

Interactive authentication code sample:

# Prerequisites
Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -ListAvailable 
Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Search -ListAvailable 

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = '31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e'
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $TenantId

For daemon app authentication we need a certificate configured in Azure App and installed on the user machine. Daemon app authentication code sample (please specify your tenant id, app (client) id and certificate thumbprint:

# App Authentication
$clientID = ""
$certThumbprint = ""
$TenantId = ""
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $TenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint

Code sample for SharePoint search with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module

As currently authenticated user

# Search in the current user context
$params = @{
	requests = @(
			entityTypes = @(
			query = @{
				queryString = "lorem"
			from = 0
			size = 25
			fields = @(

$res = Invoke-MgQuerySearch -Body $params

Again, in case with app authentication – an additional parameter – region – is required:

# Search
$params = @{
	requests = @(
			entityTypes = @(
			query = @{
				queryString = "lorem"
			from = 0
			size = 25
			fields = @(
                        region = "NAM"

$res = Invoke-MgQuerySearch -Body $params

It’s a good idea to explore returning object.

PnP.PowerShell module

PnP.PowerShell allows you to search through Microsoft 365 SharePoint content with PowerShell style – using command and options.

Let us authenticate interactively:

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
$siteUrl = "https://s5dz3.sharepoint.com"
Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $clientid -Tenant $TenantId -Url $siteUrl -Interactive

Authentication on behalf of service/daemon app would require certificate installed on the machine and configured in the app and look like:

# Application (daemon) Authentication
$clientID = ""
$certThumbprint = ""
$TenantId = ""
$siteUrl = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com"
Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $clientid -Tenant $TenantId -Url $siteUrl -Thumbprint $certThumbprint

There are no differences in Microsoft 365 SharePoint Search with PowerShell code samples for interactive and daemon apps (no region parameter).


# search
$query = "test*"
$res = Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query 

# examples of query:
$query = "test*"
$query = "* contentclass:STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary"
$query = "* author:Patti"
$query = "test* site:https://s5dz3.sharepoint.com/teams/sxc"

# examples of submitting request
$res = Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query 
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -All 
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -MaxResults 5
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -SortList @{"LastModifiedTime" = "ascending"} 

# exploring result object:

Video tutorials

Video tutorials (playlist) on how to authenticate to Microsoft 365 and Search through Microsoft 365 content from code


How to create an old document in SharePoint

Sometimes, mostly during PoC or testing policies like retention policy or lifecycle policy you would need some documents created and updated weeks, months or even years ago.

But if you create or upload a document in SharePoint library – it will be just a regular new document. So, how to get old documents in the new environment?

I see two options:

  1. Sync with OneDrive
    If you sync a library with your local folder (done Microsoft by OneDrive desktop app) and put some old document in your synced folder – the doc will be synchronized back to SharePoint library with Created and Modified properties preserved.
  2. Make the document older with PowerShell
    With “Set-PnPListItem” PowerShell command you can update not only such properties like Title, but also “Created By”, “Modified By” and even date and time document was created and modified via “Created” and “Modified”.
    Optionally you can play with document history with “-UpdateType” parameter.
    UpdateType possible values are:
    • Update: Sets field values and creates a new version if versioning is enabled for the list
    • SystemUpdate: Sets field values and does not create a new version. Any events on the list will trigger.
    • UpdateOverwriteVersion: Sets field values and does not create a new version. No events on the list will trigger

PowerShell scripts for Microsoft 365 SharePoint

After many years working with SharePoint I wrote a lot of PowerShell scripts that help me support, troubleshoot, administer and secure SharePoint. So I’m sharing my scripts with you.

It’s here: https://github.com/VladilenK/Manage-m365-with-PowerShell

Get all SharePoint and Teams sites owners report with PowerShell

This PowerShell script pulls all tenant sites and all sites owners. The script require app authentication with Sites.FullControl.All and Directory.Read.All permissions.
PnP.PowerShell for PowerShell 7 is used.

The script generates two reports

  • Owners report: one user per line, include: Site Url, Title, Owner e-mail, name and type
  • Sites report: one site per line, include: Site Url, Title, list of owners e-mails

Here is the script:

$connAdmin = Connect-PnPOnline -ReturnConnection -Tenant $tenantId  -Url $adminUrl -ClientId $clientid -Thumbprint $certThumbprint
$allTenantSites = Get-PnPTenantSite -Connection $connAdmin | Sort-Object Url

$sitesReport = @()
$ownersReport = @()
foreach ($tenantSite in $allTenantSites) {
    Write-Host $tenantSite.Url
    $connSite = Connect-PnPOnline -ReturnConnection -Tenant $tenantId  -Url $tenantSite.Url -ClientId $clientid -Thumbprint $certThumbprint
    $site = Get-PnPSite -Connection $connSite -Includes RootWeb, GroupId, Owner
    $siteOwnerEmail = ''
    $siteOwnersReport = @()
    if ($site.GroupId.Guid -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') {
        $siteAdmins = Get-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Connection $connSite | ? { $_.PrincipalType -eq 'User' }
        $ownerType = 'Site Collection Administrator'
        $isGroupSite = $false
    else {
        $siteAdmins = Get-PnPAzureADGroupOwner -Connection $connAdmin -Identity $site.GroupId.Guid
        $ownerType = 'Group Owner'
        $isGroupSite = $true
    foreach ($siteAdmin in $siteAdmins) {
        if (!$siteAdmin.UserPrincipalName) {
            Get-PnPProperty -Connection $connAdmin -ClientObject $siteAdmin -Property UserPrincipalName | Out-Null
        $aadUser = Get-PnPAzureADUser -Connection $connAdmin -Identity $siteAdmin.UserPrincipalName
        if ($aadUser.AccountEnabled) {
            $siteOwnerEmail += $aadUser.Mail + '; '
        $siteOwnersReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
            SiteUrl     = $site.Url
            SiteTitle   = $site.RootWeb.Title
            IsGroupSite = $isGroupSite
            OwnerEmail  = $aadUser.Mail
            OwnerName   = $aadUser.DisplayName
            OwnerType   = $ownerType
            Enabled     = $aadUser.AccountEnabled
    $ownersReport += $siteOwnersReport
    $sitesReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
        SiteUrl     = $site.Url
        SiteTitle   = $site.RootWeb.Title
        IsGroupSite = $isGroupSite
        OwnerEmail  = $siteOwnerEmail


Source code: https://github.com/VladilenK/Manage-m365-with-PowerShell

Update Large Number of SharePoint Sites with PowerShell Parallel


Here I’m trying to figure out – how much PowerShell Parallel option is beneficial and how to avoid throttling…

Let us test, how long would it take to create a SharePoint site, if we use regular (sequential) loop or parallelism (I’m creation a sample set of 50 SharePoint Sites in a row):

seconds per site
100 sites in batch
seconds per site
500 sites in batch
seconds per site
Regular (Sequential)3.0
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 21.600.91
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 50.69
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 100.2 – 0.3
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 200.17

Interesting, but I did not get even one (throttling or any other) error during creation 500 sites.

Get sites details

Now let us test, how long it takes to get sites details with Get-PnPTenantSite (I use a sample set of 500 sites):

Test typeRegular
seconds per site
sample = 100 sites,
seconds per site
sample = 200 sites,
seconds per site
sample = 500 sites,
seconds per site
Regular (Sequential)0.65
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 20.400.330.31
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = (errors)
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 100.11 (errors)0.11 (errors)0.34 (errors)
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 200.12 errors+0.07 errors+0.52 (errors)

(errors) means there were small number of errors during test… e.g.

Token – SharePoint API compatibility matrix

If I get token with (Graph, MSAL, PnP) and use this token for (Graph API, SharePoint CSOM API, SharePoint REST API) matrix.

An App used in this tests has Sites.FullControl.All MS Graph API and SharePoint API permissions, as well as FullControl ACS based permissions to SharePoint (AppInv.aspx).

Token/APIMS Graph
SharePoint CSOM
SharePoint REST API
MS Graph
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with secret
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with certificate
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with Certificate
with Certificate
with Certificate or secret
with Certificate
with Secret
AudienceUriValidationFailedException = Exception of type ‘Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.AudienceUriValidationFailedException’ was thrown

Testing Sites.Selected SharePoint and MS Graph API

Sites.Selected MS Graph API permissions were introduced by Microsoft in March 2021. One year later, in 2022 they added SharePoint Sites.Selected API permissions.

Azure registered app with SharePoint and MS Graph API Sites.Selected permissions

Why is this so important? Because MS Graph API for SharePoint is still limited and cannot cover all possible needs. I’d estimate: 90% of applications use SharePoint CSOM, so developers have to use AppInv.aspx to provide permissions for their applications to SharePoint API.

But from this moment – having SharePoint API permissions in MS Graph – in theory – we can fully rely on permissions provided in Azure and – in theory – this should allow us disable SharePoint-Apps only principal:

Set-SPOTenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $true

My math professor taught me: “before trying to find a solution – ensure the solution exists.” So let us test:

Are we really able to work with a specific SharePoint site using MS Graph and SharePoint API Sites.Selected permissions provided via Microsoft Azure?

What will happen with our new/legacy applications if we disable SharePoint app-only SPNs (DisableCustomAppAuthentication)?

I’m getting controversial test results… maybe PnP.PowerShell 1.10 is not fully support SharePoint Sites.Selected API.

Tech Wizard (Sukhija Vikas) on March 20, 2022 in the article “SharePoint and Graph API APP only permissions for Selected Sites” suggests using pre-release (AllowPrerelease).

So please ignore the following for a while.

Meantime I’ll test providing SharePoint Sites.Selected API permissions via Graph API call.

(wip) Test set #1: Certificate vs Secret

DisableCustomAppAuthentication: $false (SP-app-only spns are enabled).
All applications have “write” access provided to a specific site only.
Connecting with Connect-PnPOnline and then test access with Get-PnPSite

App / Get-PnPSiteSecretCertificate
ACS based (Azure+AppInv)OKThe remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
MS Graph API Sites.SelectedThe remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
SharePoint API Sites.SelectedOKOK
MS Graph API + SharePoint API Sites.SelectedAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))OK
App with no permissionsThe remote server returned an error: (403) ForbiddenThe remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

(wip) Test set #2: Sites.Selected SharePoint vs MS Graph (secret)

  • DisableCustomAppAuthentication = $false
    (SP-app-only spns are enabled).
  • All applications have “write” access provided to a specific site only.
  • Using Client Secret (not a certificate)
  • Using PnP.PowerShell
Action/ViaSharePoint + MS Graph
MS Graph
Connect-PnPOnlineWARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.
Get-PnPSiteOKOKThe remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Set-PnPSiteAttempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
Set-PnPListAttempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
New-PnPListAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

(wip) Test set #3: Read vs Write vs FullControl

DisableCustomAppAuthentication = $false
(SP-app-only spns are enabled).
All applications have Sites.Selected SharePoint and MS Graph API permissions.
Using Client Secret (not a certificate)
Using PnP.PowerShell

Connect-PnPOnlineWARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.
Get-PnPSiteAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Get-PnPListAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

(wip) Test set #5: Certificate vs Secret

C#, SharePoint CSOM, PnP.Framework


PnP.PowerShell Get-, Grant-, Set- and Revoke-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission cmdlets require Azure App with MS Graph Sites.FullControl.All app permissions (otherwise it says “Access denied”) and authentication via certificate (otherwise it says “This cmdlet does not work with a ACS based connection towards SharePoint.”)

The same actions – managing permissions for the client app to the specific site collections – could be done via Microsoft Graph Sites Permissions API using just secret-based authentication.

If an azure app does not have Sites.Selected API permissions configured – “Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission” works as expected – no error messages – the output is normal – as if Sites.Selected API permissions were configured in the app. The same for Get-, -Set and Revoke-. Permissions provided for the app to the site are not effective though: Connect-PnPOnline works well, but all other commands – starting from Get-PnPSite – returns “The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.”

If an app have no permissions to SharePoint – “Connect-PnPOnline” works ok, but “Get-PnPSite” return an error: “The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.”

Set-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission gives an error message “code”:”generalException”,”message”:”General exception while processing”
if the site is not specified.

AppInv is not working?

Error: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))


Testing environment

  • Microsoft 365 E5 Dev environment
  • PowerShell 7.2.2
  • PnP.PowerShell 1.10
  • “write” permissions to the specific sites for client apps were assigned via PnP.PowerShell

Connecting to SharePoint Online programmatically: Secret vs Certificate

Update: Sites.Selected API MS Graph permissions was introduced by Microsoft in 2021. It was a good move towards site-level development, but still developers were limited with only what MS Graph API provides for SharePoint dev.
So devs had to use AppInv.aspx at site level to provide ACS permissions to their apps to be able to use SharePoint CSOM and REST APIs.
Recently Microsoft introduced Sites.Selected SharePoint API permissions for registered Azure Apps! So now devs should be fully happy without ACS-based permissions.


You have an application that needs access to Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online site/list/documents. Application is running without interaction with users – e.g. unattended, as daemon job.

There are two options you can authenticate to Microsoft 365 – with the secret or with the certificate. Authenticating with certificate is considered more secure.


  • What happens if SharePoint-Apps only principal is disabled
    (i.e. ‘set-spotenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $true’ )?
  • Why I’m getting 401 error when authenticating to SPO?
  • Why I’m getting 403 error when authenticating to SPO with secret?
  • What permissions to I need to work with SPO?


Note: we will use PowerShell 7.2 and PnP.PowerShell 1.9 to illustrate it.

Disabled SharePoint-Apps only principal

If SharePoint-Apps only principal is disabled in your tenant
(i.e. ‘Get-PnPTenant | select DisableCustomAppAuthentication’ returns $true ), then the only way you work with SPO from code is:

  • an App registered in Azure
  • API permissions provided via Azure (MS Graph, SharePoint)
  • Certificate is used

In all other cases (even your Connect-PnPOnline command complete successfully) – you will be getting error 401 (unauthorized) when trying Get-PnPTenant or Get-PnPTenantSite or Get-PnPSite

Enabled SharePoint-Apps only principal

If SharePoint-Apps only principals are enabled in your tenant
(i.e. ‘Get-PnPTenant | select DisableCustomAppAuthentication’ returns $false ), then you have three options to work with SPO from code:

  • Azure App with a secret (Client Id + Client Secret) and permissions to SharePoint provided via SharePoint (AppInv.aspx) to access SharePoint REST API
  • Azure App with a certificate (Client Id + Certificate) and permissions provided via Azure to access SharePoint REST API
  • Azure App with a certificate or secret (Client Id + Secret or Certificate) and permissions provided via Azure to access SharePoint via Microsoft Graph API