Tag Archives: Azure API Management

FastAPI on Azure Functions with Azure API Management

Following Pamela Fox tutorial “FastAPI on Azure Functions with Azure API Management“.

The idea is to deploy FastAPI to Azure Functions the way auto-generated interactive documentation would be public, but actual API would be protected. Pamela solved it with Azure API Management and subscription keys:

“One of my goals was to have the documentation be publicly viewable (with no key) but the FastAPI API calls themselves require a subscription key. That split was the trickiest part of this whole architecture, and it started at the API Management level.”

Pamela published it in 3 parts:
– the idea and solution explained under her blog: FastAPI on Azure Functions with Azure API Management
– code and some initial steps at GitHub: pamelafox/fastapi-azure-function-apim
– video with more deploying details at YouTube: Deploying FastAPI app to Azure Functions + API Management

I will just repeat all the steps in this one-pager.

Environment I use: Linux Ubuntu + VS Code with “Dev Containers” extension and azd

  1. Clone https://github.com/pamelafox/fastapi-azure-function-apim
  2. Start visual studio code and reopen the project with container
  3. ensure it works locally with
  4. Deploy it to Azure functions with (you’d answer questions):
    $ azd auth login
    $ azd init
    $ azd up
  5. Go to API management Service, Subscriptions, Add subscription, copy the key (secure it)
  6. From API management service, Overview – open Gateway URL and append it with “/public/docs”
  7. Try GET /generate_name as is – you’ll get “401”
  8. Try the same with subscription key – you’ll get “200”
  9. Save Request Url to call the API from your front-end app

Nest steps:

  • calling other APIs
  • connecting to Databases
  • using secrets