Tag Archives: Kazakh

Anthropology of the Kazakhs

As far as I know, the book was written in 2011, but not published. But the subject and content of the book – both – pictures and text – seem unique and very important. It would be unfair for such amazing work to be gone. So I decided to publish it in the original language and in English.

Here is the book.

Anthropology of the Kazakhs

by Askar Isabekov


Kazakhs often identify themselves as Mongoloids, yet simultaneously, they readily distinguish themselves from other representatives of the Mongoloid race. Conversely, other ethnic groups also classify Kazakhs as Mongoloids but can easily differentiate them from Koreans or Chinese. Why is this the case?

If a Kazakh lacks narrow eyes, or dark hair, or he possesses a prominent nose, fellow Kazakhs might claim that the individual doesn’t resemble a typical Kazakh. Strikingly, such “unlike Kazakhs” constitute maybe half of the entire ethnic group. Why is this so?

While the majority of Kazakhs have dark hair, there are instances where a child is born with blond hair and blue eyes in a family of black-haired and black-eyed Kazakhs. Remarkably, this occurrence doesn’t elicit surprise or attention. Why is that?

Similar types, reminiscent of Kazakhs, are found among Latin Americans, and also among mixed Asian-European Metis, like those resulting from unions between Koreans and Russians. Why does this similarity persist?

I once knew a Kazakh nicknamed “German” because of his appearance resembling that of a German. Kazakhs exhibit a broad spectrum of appearances—from those resembling Chinese or Mongols to others indistinguishable from Turkmen, Iranians, Tatars, or Russians. Why such diversity?

The fundamental answer to these “whys” lies in the formation of the Kazakh ethnic group through the intermingling of tribes with different origins. However, this answer begets new questions—What were these tribes? Do they align with present-day Kazakh tribes? Do Kazakhs from different jüzes (zhuzes) differ? Do different Kazakh tribes trace their origins differently? These questions, complex in nature, require detailed exploration, a task this book endeavors to fulfill.

Comprising concise articles on scientific and pseudo-scientific facts, versions, hypotheses, and reflections related to the anthropology of the Kazakh ethnic group, this book may appear somewhat fragmented. Nevertheless, I hope these articles collectively construct a coherent picture.

The second component of this book features portraits of Kazakhs embodying the ethnic group. Not relatives, or some event participants, or representative of some profession, but simply Kazakhs randomly selected from different regions and villages. These photographs aim to portray the overall anthropological identity of the Kazakh ethnic group as it stands today.

Readers can approach the text as a commentary to the photographs or perceive the photographs as illustrative material for the texts—whichever resonates more. As the author, I aspire that both components—articles and photographs—harmoniously complement each other, presenting a unified experience for the reader.Determining the genre of this book proves challenging for me. I wrote it in line with contemporary styles—concise yet comprehensive, capturing the essence while not overlooking crucial details. This modern approach to presenting information gives rise to non-standard, challenging-to-classify genres and styles that resonate well with audiences today. Creating this book was a delightful and engaging process for me, and I hope readers find it just as enjoyable and effortless to read.

Next – Anthropology of the Kazakhs – Chapter 1 – Our Race