Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 : Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not
contain a method named ‘SetProperty’.
Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 : Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not
contain a method named ‘SetProperty’.
Step-by-step script of my recent Hybrid SharePoint 2016 – Office 365 implementation:
Office 365 Prerequisites
On-Premises AD prerequisites
On-premises SharePoint Prerequisites
On-Premises AD prerequisites
If you plan for inbound search of hybrid BCS – there are some more requirements
Create S2S trust, i.e. trust relationship between on-premises SharePoint and Office 365.
(scripts: https://technet.microsoft.com/library/dn197169.aspx)
Hybrid Sites and Hybrid OnDrive for Business
Hybrid Sites Hybrid OnDrive for Business warnings:
Based on
Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid by Jeremy Taylor
Hybrid Cloud Identity by Kirill Kotlyarenko
and personal experience
Create New Performance Point Service Application failed with “Address(int ) is an invalid or loopback address. Specify a valid server address.”
$newServiceApplication = New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplication -Name $serviceName -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -DatabaseServer $dbServer -DatabaseName $serviceDB
New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplication : System.Object&, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Address(int ) is an invalid or loopback
address. Specify a valid server address.
At line:1 char:26
+ $newServiceApplication = New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplication -Name $service …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Perfo…viceApplication:NewSPPerformanc…viceApplication) [New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplication], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.NewSPPerformancePointMonitoringServiceApplication
Solytion: provide fixed sysadmin sql server role for the account you run script.
Note: the article below is for on-prem SharePoint. For Microsoft 365 orphan/ownerless resources – sites, groups – please check
– Ownerless Microsoft 365 groups, teams and sites Q&As
– Microsoft 365 ownerless groups policy email template format and content
– Orphan Microsoft 365 groups in large environments
Problem: When you patch SharePoint or perform database-attach migration or just do Test-SPContentDatabase, sometimes you can see errors with category “SiteOrphan”. Although it says “UpgradeBlocking : False”, Ignoring this error may cause severe issues, even data loss.
Continue reading
Что есть в Атырау:
Atyrau Fitness (gym)
Orange (gym)
Renco (gym, pool)
Renessance (gym, pool)
Marriott (?)
ФОК (gym, pool)
Мунайши (pool)
Ardager (gym, pool)
Europa (gym, pool)
7KZ (gym, pool)
Infinity Armada (gym)
Based on “Streamlined Topologies for SharePoint Server 2013” diagram from Microsoft (“Topology design guidance for maximizing system resources”),
Simplified for 4-servers high-available 3-tier farms:
Services | |
Front-End Servers Service applications, services, and components that serve user requests directly are placed on front-end servers. These servers are optimized for fast performance. Low and Very low latency. |
Batch-Processing Servers Service applications, services, and components that process background tasks are placed on a middle-tier of servers referred to as batch processing servers. These servers are optimized to maximize system resources. These servers can tolerate greater loads because these tasks do not affect performance observed by user |
(the article is under construction)
the quick and easy way which can be used in your lab environment, as well in test and even in production and later be scaled-out, as performance and/or availability requirements grows up
Assume 3-tier topology – Front-End Server, Batch-Processing Server and SQL Server. Accounts according to least privilege principle.
Treat all server names, account names and domain names in this article are “for example”, i.e. you should use your own names.
What you must already have/get:
Prepare (request) hardware (virtual machines):
SP16SQL1 for SQL Server 2016
refer to Microsoft SharePoint 2016 requirements for hardware specifications, but as minimum:
Install MS Windows Server 2016 with GUI.
Configure time zone and time, static IP, name, language, region.
Add to domain.
Add App Server role, install updates, check event logs, resolve errors if any.
SP16WFE1 and SP16BPS1 for MS SharePoint
refer to Microsoft SharePoint 2016 requirements for hardware specifications, but as minimum:
Install MS Windows Server 2016 with GUI.
Configure time zone and time, static IP, name, language, region.
Add to domain.
Add App Server role, install updates, check event logs, resolve errors if any.
Create (request) AD accounts:
– SQL-Adm
– SQL-Svc
– SP-Adm
– SP-Farm
– SP-Svc
– SP-PortalAppPool
– SP-ProfilesAppPool
– SP-CacheSuperUser
– SP-CacheSuperReader
– SP-ProfileSync
– SP-SearchService
– SP-SearchContent
– SP-ExcelUser
– SP-VisioUser
– SP-PerfPointUser
– SP_farm_administrators security group
add SP-Adm (and personal admin accounts) to SP_farm_administrators group
provide “Replicate Directory Changes” AD permissions to SP-ProfileSync account (refer to this how to article)
SQL Server:
add SQL-Adm to local administrators
SP Server:
add SP_farm_administrators group to local administrators group
on SQL Server:
login as SQL-Adm to install MS SQL Server 2016
since “SQL Server Management Studio” is not a part of SQL Server, but distributed separately, you need to
on SharePoint Server:
login as SP-Adm
Generally, the steps are
AutoSPInstaller is able to handle all steps, but personally I prefer to install prerequisites and SharePoint manually, and use AutoSPInstaller only to create/configure farm. If so, we will need only “Automation” folder from autospinstaller.zip
I’d recommend copy all content from source SharePoint image to a folder.
run prerequisiteinstaller.exe. It will take care of
(optionally, you can run powershell:
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-App-Dev,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Health,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Security,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Digest-Auth,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Mgmt-Compat,Web-Metabase, WAS,WAS-Process-Model,WAS-NET-Environment,WAS-Config-APIs,Web-Lgcy-Scripting,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Xps-Viewer
an then prerequisiteinstaller.exe )
It might require you to restart the server, then prerequisiteinstaller.exe will continue until you see “Installation Complete” message. Finally you must see “Installation Complete. All required prerequisites have been installed or enabled” message.
Now run setup.exe
Be ready to provide your SharePoint product key. You can use SharePoint trial key from here for test or evaluation environment.
From Server Type choose “Complete” (for SharePoint 2013 only – option chosen by default).
NB! Choose File Location on “File Location” tab. I’d recommend install SharePoint on separate drive (e.g. E:).
Note that it says: “If you intend to use this computer as a search server, the search index files will be stored on the local drive. These files can be very large , so ensure that there is sufficient free space on the selected drive. To change where Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 will store it’s index files…”
You might say that it is possible to configure index files location during provisioning Search Index component.
Yes, I absolutely agree. But! There is also Analytics Processing Component, and during it’s work, it generates temporary files under “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Analytics_GUID\AE\AnalyticsProcessingComponent1” which might be very big in size, and that location could not be “legally” changed. So if you miss this point, you might be required to reinstall SharePoint binaries later. See also this.
After binaries installed, you should see “Run Configuration Wizard” “To complete configuration of your server, you must run the SharePoint Product Configuration Wizard”…
Remove the checkmark “Run the SharePoint Product Configuration Wizard now” (untick this).
I.e. Do not run Product Configuration Wizard for now. Farm will be configured later via PowerShell AutoSPInstaller script.
If you need language packs – it’s time to install language packs.
Now you are good to install Cumulative Update. Latest for test/lab environment, latest tested for production. Check updates against regressions (e.g. with Todd Klindt).
Do not run Product Configuration Wizard.
Now let us have a closer look into AutoSPInstaller Automation folder.
у AutoSPInstallerInput.xml убираем атрибут “read only” файловой системы
AutoSPInstallerInput.xml правим так:
<PIDKey></PIDKey> вбиваем ключ (можно триальный отсюда, потом вручную сменим на постоянный)
<SKU>Enterprise</SKU> вбиваем Standard или Enterprise (ключ тогда должен быть соответствующий)
<AutoAdminLogon Enable=”false” Password=”” /> вбиваем true и пароль, если хотим чтобы сервер каждый раз сам логинился (предполагается несколько перезагрузок)
<Passphrase></Passphrase> вбиваем пароль/ключ (используется для присоединения дополнительных серверов к ферме)
<Account… везде, где встречаем DOMAIN\ или @domain, исправляем на наши реальные данные так:
<Username>DOMAIN\SP_Farm</Username> , заменяем DOMAIN на настоящее имя нашего домена, оставляем название и имя учётки (SP_Farm) как есть
<Password></Password> вбиваем пароль
<Email>spfarm@domain.com</Email> вбиваем e-mail
<CentralAdmin Provision=”true”>… ставим порт какой удобно, например <Port>2013</Port>
<Database> первое упоминание делаем так
<DBServer></DBServer> вбиваем алиас для SQL Server (например <DBServer>SP3SQLAL</DBServer>)
DBInstance=”SERVER\INSTANCE” правим на только имя сервера (например, DBInstance=”SP3SQL1″)
<DBPrefix>AutoSPInstaller</DBPrefix> меняем на удобный нам, например <DBPrefix>SP</DBPrefix>
остальные упоминания <Database> не трогаем (оставляем пустыми как есть)
<ManagedAccounts> домен и пароль меняем на свой, всё остальное – названия акаунтов и сами акаунты – оставляем как есть
<Logging><LogDiskSpaceUsageGB></LogDiskSpaceUsageGB> поставить приемлемое для своего дискового пр-ва значение, например 5
<AppManagementService если вы в состоянии это сделать, то оставляем Provision=”true”
и следуем инструкциям, например Setting up your App domain for SharePoint 2013
иначе – ставим Provision=”false”
<AutoAdminLogon Enable=”false” Password=”” /> стираем пароль
<Passphrase></Passphrase> стираем
поправить параметры логирования под себя
если есть exchange, можно настроить OutgoingEmail и сам Exchange
if you plan federated SharePoint environment, i.e. having Publishing (Service) Farm and Consuming (Content) Farm – plan for SQL aliases carefully.
Brian Lalancette: AutoSPInstaller
Technet: Account permissions and security settings in SharePoint 2013
Technet: Install SharePoint 2013
Technet: Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint 2013
CodePlex: Automated SharePoint 2010/2013 PowerShell-based installation script
Technet: virtual environment for SharePoint 2013
Setting up your App domain for SharePoint 2013
F5 Load Balancing for SharePoint 2016
Management Tools Basic+Complete;