… by teams you are bringing in collaboration but you are losing discoverability…
… you put everything in one document library which becomes overloaded…
… you have to rely on search to try to find it…
… challenge for teams to become scalable (not everything can be added to tabs) – @DarceHess, Microsoft 365 & SharePoint PnP Weekly – Episode 91
![Modern Office 365 Site Pages](https://vladilen.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/20180524_ModernPages_600.png)
SPO Modern Site Pages Enable Disable
If you are adding a page to your Office 365 site via gerbox->”Add a page”
and a “modern-style” SharePoint page is created,
you still can have “classic” experience, i.e. Wiki pages or WebPart pages.
Just go to your pages library via “Site Content” -> “Site Pages”,
then click “Files” tab and select “New Document” with dropdown option,
and this is where you can choose what kind of page to create.
If you want to stick with classic pages permanently (disable modern site pages) – it’s done via
“Site settings” -> “Manage site Features” -> “Site Pages” Deactivate.
then from site pages library settings click “Change new button order and default content type”
and deselect “Visible” at “Site pages”.
How to remove service accounts from people search in SharePoint or Office 365 (Classic search)
Update: for the same solution in modern search – please refer to “Hide non-personal accounts from modern Microsoft 365 search”
The following solution is for Classic Search only.
What I did is:
User profile services -> Manage User properties: create custom property like “HideFromPeopleSearch”, boolean, do not allow users to edit value, Indexed
Client-side PowerShell script using PnP library:
Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://domain-admin.sharepoint.com
$nonPeople = Get-ADUser -filter … # based on what’s in your AD and how you separate people and non-people accounts
foreach($account in $nonPeople) {
Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Property ‘HideFromPeopleSearch’ -Value ‘True’ -Account $account.UserPrincipalName
SearchCenter -> Site Settings -> Search Schema: use any pre-created RefinableString managed property (e.g. RefinableString33), add mapping to crawled property people:HideFromPeopleSearch,
SearchCenter -> Site Settings -> Search Query rules: Local People Results, new Query rule, change ranked results by changing query, {searchTerms} -RefinableString33=True
should work
See also:
Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft 365: studying, certification
Here are some resources to study, learn, improve your skills on Microsoft SharePoint, SQL, Office 365, Azure:
Officially free:
- Microsoft Learn
- Channel9 – case studies, recordings from Webinars, Conferences, Events etc. from SharePoint professionals
- Office 365 training – for user, power users, site collection administrators
- MS Ignite 2017 – tons of on-demand video sessions
- Office Blogs – news etc. on SharePoint, Office 365 and Office
- Technet – documentation, articles
- MSDN Office Development
- SharePoint help Center
- (decomissioned) MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy) – courses on all Microsoft technologies (including SharePoint) for users, developers and IT Pro
SharePoint gurus:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/ToddKlindtNetcast (Todd Klindt)
- http://www.toddklindt.com/ (Todd Klindt)
- http://www.andrewconnell.com/ (Andrew Connell)
- http://www.wictorwilen.se/ (Wictor Wilen)
- http://www.srinisistla.com/blog/ (Srini Sistla)
- http://blah.winsmarts.com/ (Sahil Malik)
- http://www.harbar.net/ (Spencer Harbar)
- http://www.askwictor.com/ (Wictor Wilén)
- http://blogs.technet.com/b/wbaer/ (Bill Baer)
- http://blog.geektrainer.com/search/label/SharePoint (Christopher Harrison)
- http://www.jeremythake.com/ (Jeremy Thake)
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sharepoint_strategery/ (Brian Pendergrass aka bspender)
- http://blog.falchionconsulting.com/ (Gary Lapointe)
- https://absolute-sharepoint.com/microsoft-certification-study-guides – SharePoint/Microsoft 365 study guide (Vlad Catrinescu)
- https://www.helloitsliam.com – (Liam Cleary)
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/stefan_gossner – (Stefan Gossner)
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/pla/ – Product Line Architecture (PLA) Team Blog
- https://eightwone.com/ – Michel de Rooij with focus is on Exchange, Office 365, and PowerShell
- https://www.eliostruyf.com/ – Elio Struyf
- http://www.techmikael.com/ – Mikael Svenson – SharePoint and search
Courses on SharePoint (for money):
- http://www.pluralsight.com/tag/sharepoint
- www.cbtnuggets.com/
- http://www.lynda.com/
- https://www.opsgility.com/ (3-month free subscription for free Visual Studio Dev Essentials members)
- http://www.skillsoft.com/
SharePoint Certification:
- https://www.microsoft.com/learning/en-us/sharepoint-certification.aspx
- Microsoft Certification Roadmap 2015
SharePoint career builder/study guides:
https://absolute-sharepoint.com/microsoft-certification-study-guides – SharePoint/Microsoft 365 study guide (Vlad Catrinescu)
SharePoint Security and Penetration Testing
There is a course on Pluralsight: Penetration Testing SharePoint by Liam Cleary.
Here are some fundamentals every SharePoint architect should know on “how to protect SharePoint environment”, from this course and from my personal experience.
Security basics
- audit environment, document it (annual, semi-annual)
- permission matrix and authentication flow (semi-annual, monthly) – using 3-rd party tools
- test environment security
Protect from the Scans
- Monitoring
- Access control (accounts, passwords, least permissions, audit)
- Port restriction (enable only required ports and protocols)
- Server firewall (including SQL, SharePoint, OOS, Workflow) + Isolation
- Local Computer Policies
- Network firewall (incl. edge firewall and internal firewall)
IIS – web.config
- <authentication …>
- <microsoft.identityModel>
- <location path …><allow users …>
- viewlsts.aspx – protect using <location path …><allow users …> on IIS level
- … CallStack …
- <CustomErrors …>
- <appSettings>
- Site – Authentication – Specific user
- Certificates – Binding
Central administration
- Web Applications – Web Application – User policies
- Web Applications – Web Application – Anonymous policies
- Web Applications – Web Application – Blocked file types
- Service Applications – Service Application – Administrators/Permissions
- Security – Farm Administrators
Architect, Support – should have farm-level access
Developer, Designer, End User, External – should not have farm-level access
Use personalized account for administration/support (do not use farm account or install account)
BTW, My opinion: Do not allow Developers any access to production farm.
The rights/responsibilities and dev workflow should be:
- SharePoint Developer: Dev farm for development, Dev-Test farm for self-testing
- SharePoint Tester: Test-farm for testing
- SharePoint Administrator: Pre-production farm and Production farm
If somebody combine roles – use different accounts and separation of roles.
SharePoint updates
- security updates
- public updates, cumulative updates (download)
- service packs, feature packs
Some useful PowerShell commands:
$subnet = "192.168.214"
$range = 223..225
$range | %{$ip = $subnet + '.' + $_; Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $ip -Quiet } | ?{$_ -eq $true} | %{Write-Host $ip " - Test OK"}
$port = 3389
foreach ($byte in $range) {
$ip = "{0}.{1}" -F $subnet, $byte
Write-Host "Testing NetConnection to $ip`:$port `- " -NoNewline
$tnc = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ip -Port $port -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host $tnc.TcpTestSucceeded
- https://www.exploit-db.com
- http://angryip.org/ – network scanner
- https://nmap.org/ – free security scanner
- http://sparty.secniche.org/ – MS Sharepoint and Frontpage Auditing Tool
- https://www.metasploit.com/ – Penetration Testing Software
- https://www.cvedetails.com/ – Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
![Project 2016](https://vladilen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Project_02-624x310.png)
Project Server 2016
As you know, Project Server 2016 is actually a service application on SharePoint Server 2016.
Which means if you want Project Server 2016, you must have SharePoint 2016 first.
But if you have SharePoint 2016 farm, it’s much easier to get Project 2016. Moreover, once you build robust, scalable and high-available SharePoint, you get the same to you Project “for free”.
NB: Project is licensed separately.
Look at some PowerShell commands, which can help you provision Project 2016 Service Application on SharePoint 2016:
# Enable Project Server License
Enable-ProjectServerLicense -Key Y2WC2-K7NFX-KWCVC-T4Q8P-4RG9W
# Get Service Accounts
Add-WindowsFeature rsat-ad-powershell
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter ‘Name -like “*project*”‘
Get-ADUser -Filter ‘SamAccountName -like “SP-Project*”‘ | ft DistinguishedName, SamAccountName
#Add managed accounts
$account = “ecm\SP-Project-Svc”
New-SPmanagedaccount -credential (Get-Credential -UserName $account -Message “type password”)
$SvcAppPlAccnt = Get-SPManagedAccount -Identity $account ; $SvcAppPlAccnt
# Service Application pool
$applPoolName = “Project Service Application Pool”
New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $applPoolName -Account $SvcAppPlAccnt
$ap = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | ?{$_.Name -eq $applPoolName}
# Service Application
Get-SPServiceApplication | Sort-Object DisplayName | ft -AutoSize
$serviceTypeName = “Word Automation Services”
Get-SPServiceApplication | ? {$_.TypeName -eq $serviceTypeName} | ft -AutoSize
$saName = “Project service Application”
New-SPProjectServiceApplication -Name $saName -ApplicationPool $ap
$sa = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $saName
$sa.Status; $sa.Name
$proxyName = $saName + ” ” + “Proxy”
New-SPProjectServiceApplicationProxy -Name $proxyName -ServiceApplication $sa
# instances
Get-SPServiceInstance | ft -AutoSize
$serviceTypeName = “Project Server Application Service”
Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.TypeName -eq $serviceTypeName }
$serviceInstances = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.TypeName -eq $serviceTypeName }
$serviceInstance = $serviceInstances | ? {$_.Server.Address -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME}
# database
New-SPContentDatabase -Name “SP16_SSF2_Project” -DatabaseServer “SP16SQL” -WebApplication “https://ssf2-imc.intranet.ecm.kz”
# site
Get-SPManagedPath -WebApplication “https://ssf2-imc.intranet.ecm.kz”
New-SPSite -ContentDatabase “SP16_SSF2_Project” -URL “https://ssf2-imc.intranet.ecm.kz/proj/pwa” -Template pwa#0 -OwnerAlias “ecm\sp-adm”
Get-SPContentDatabase “SP16_SSF2_Project”
Set-SPContentDatabase “SP16_SSF2_Project” -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0
Enable-SPFeature pwasite -URL “https://ssf2-imc.intranet.ecm.kz/proj/pwa”
Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 : Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not contain a method named ‘SetProperty’.
Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 : Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not
contain a method named ‘SetProperty’.
Hybrid SharePoint 2013/2016
Step-by-step script of my recent Hybrid SharePoint 2016 – Office 365 implementation:
Office 365 Prerequisites
- set and configure custom domain name
- synchronize users (e.g. like this)
- provide Office 365 licenses for hybrid users
- (for hybrid search or Sharepoint 2016 DLP) provide license for farm account
On-Premises AD prerequisites
- AD group “HybridUsers” for hybrid users
On-premises SharePoint Prerequisites
- managed metadata service application
- user profiles service application
- user profiles are synchronized (incl. User Principal Name and Work email)
- MySites
- Audience for HybridUsers AD group
- app management service application
- subscription settings service application
- secure store service application
- SP1 + September 2015 CU
On-Premises AD prerequisites
- AD group “HybridUsers” for hybrid users
- certificate to replace the default SharePoint STS certificate
- no special requirements for subject
- self-signed (lab/test)
- public authority (production)
If you plan for inbound search of hybrid BCS – there are some more requirements
Create S2S trust, i.e. trust relationship between on-premises SharePoint and Office 365.
- replace default STS certificate
- upload certificate to Office 365
- add SPN to Azure AD
- register SPO application principal
- set authentication realm (align this with high-trusted app environment)
- configure on-prem proxy for Azure AD
(scripts: https://technet.microsoft.com/library/dn197169.aspx)
Hybrid Sites and Hybrid OnDrive for Business
- goto Office 365 admin center -> SharePoint admin
- copy mysites site collection name (https://ecm-my.sharepoint.com)
- goto on-prem SharePoint CA -> Office 365 -> Configure hybrid OneDrive…
- enter “My Site URL” from “2” Office 365 mysites site collection name
- (optional) enter specific audience – “hybrid users”
- select hybrid features – “OneDrive only” or “OneDrive and Sites”
Hybrid Sites Hybrid OnDrive for Business warnings:
- you cannot activate hybrid sites w/o activating hybrid OneDrive for Business
- users need to re-follow migrated sites
- custom profile properties require additional steps
- existing mysites content will not be migrated – consider
- 3-rd party tools or
- PowerShell(?) or
- manual “old sync->backup->.stop sync -> new sync -> restore from backup -> sync” for every user
- Vlad Catrinescu, Implementing a Hybrid SharePoint 2013/2016 Infrastructure