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Cortex Overview
During the first meeting of the Project Cortex Office Hours series on March 25, 2020, Microsoft (Chris McNulty and Naomi Moneypenny) introduced the case for Project Cortex, gave an overview of the solution, and walked through demos of its knowledge, capture, and classification features.
Video recorded – can be viewed via MS Teams
Presentation (slides, pdf):
Next meeting – April 8: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

IS Systems
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SPO: Description, Owner fields are not searchable
Update (Apr 2024): It seems like Microsoft changed this behavior for Microsoft 365, so consider this article as an obsolete. Though it is possible that content is still relevant for on-prem versions of SharePoint server.
You have a list (or a document library) in SharePoint Online.
You can search through the list but some fields (or document properties) like “Description”, “Subject”, “Author”, “Owner”, “AssignedTo”, “Created”, “CreatedBy” are not searchable.
Crawled properties are mapped to non-searchable managed properties. So this is by design. Check Microsoft’s “Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server” (we do not have this document for SharePoint Online, so we have to rely on this doc; though you can go to your Search schema in SPO to verify). You see some pre-created managed properties do not have “Searchable” option enabled.
(See below for details, as this is still not finished:)
I have created a new SPO site test78, a new list Test11 and created (not added from existing) a custom field “Description” to the list:

I also created “Description2” column the same way. No data is added to the list so far.
Search schema looks like:
for Description managed property:


Notice that “Description” managed property is not searchable and “ows_Description” crawled property is mapped to “Description” managed property.
Searching for “ows_Description” crawled property gives me:

and that’s OK, as we have no data in the list so “ows_Description2” crawled property does not exist.
Now let me add some data to the list:

and wait a few minutes while continues crawl grabs data.
You can see:

Title and Description2 are searchable, but we are not able to search through “Description” field content.
Actually this is by design.
Microsoft: “The index only includes content and metadata from the managed properties”.
(Maybe Microsoft tries to protect their resources from overloading or maybe they protect us from irrelevant results, but including entire document content in full-text search and at the same time not including properties like Document Subject – this does not make sense to me). So the sad fact is list column “Description” is mapped to non-searchable managed property by default.
“Searchable” means: “…The content of this managed property is included in the full-text index.” I.e. if the property is not searchable – “The content of this managed property is not included in the full-text index.” => that’s by design.
But – the good news – the property is Queryable!
Queryable “Enables querying against the specific managed property”.
E.e. “Description:Descr1*” query should work. And it works:

“Description2:Descr*” query should not work as we did not map Description2 property to any managed properties, so we can find content via full-text search but cannot find under managed property:

Option #1.
Use queries like “Description:TextToSearch” (check also SharePoint KQL).
Option #2.
Do not use name “Description”.
Choose something else like “Short Description” or “Case Description”
Option #3.
Use existing site column “Description” from group:Custom Columns. It’s “single line of text” though. Note: “SharePoint Server Standard Site Collection features” must be activated.

The thing is it’s internal name is “CategoryDescription” and display name is “Description”. So if you add this column to the list – the content will be searchable:

Option #4
Create a new site column, name it e.g. “DescriptionSrchblClmn”.
Add this column to the list from existing site columns.
Rename it to “Description”.
Option #5.
Create your own managed property (e.g. “DescriptionSearchable”), make it searchable and map it to “ows_Description” crawled property.

ensure crawled property has “Include in full-text index” option ON:

NB: changing search schema affects other site lists/libraries.
Remember: if you made a change in search schema, run “Reindex site” under Site Settings -> “Search and Offline Availability”. It’s like on-prem “Full crawl” but works at web level.
Microsoft: Manage the search schema in SharePoint
Microsoft: Keyword Query Language (KQL) syntax reference
Vladilen: Search for a crawled property name with wildcards
Microsoft: Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server
Что написано на футболке
Что я заметил, так это полное безразличие наших к тому что написано/нарисовано на футболке. Буржуинам это далеко не пофигу. Они очень тщательно подбирают контент для футболки, бейсболки…
Видимо, это идёт с одной стороны из советских времён – когда мы
a) не знали английского и
б) все что оттуда – было модным…
с другой стороны мы и сейчас далеки от их политической борьбы.

OneDrive vs OneDrive vs Personal Site
Microsoft sells OneDrive as a personal cloud storage service… But There are actually two separate products behind the service, and each product provides more than “personal cloud storage service”…
What is OneDrive? What is the difference between OneDrive and Personal SharePoint site? Let’s see…
When you login to, you can click on OneDrive icon:
and you will found yourself at OneDrive site, so
one OneDrive is a SharePoint Personal site:
The other OneDrive is a desktop application
i.e. program that runs in the background and synchronizes files from your personal SharePoint site (“first OneDrive”) to your local machine and back:
Below is OneDrive desktop application in Windows File Explorer. Please notice how “test 01.txt” file and “test 02” folder are synchronized to first OneDrive.
Confused? No? Wanna more?
Here are some more confusing details…
Using OneDrive desktop application you can synchronize your regular SharePoint site library with your desktop computer.
Here is a regular SharePoint site (Test23) with a LibUnderSharePoint library. You can click on the “Sync” button:
and see the magic! Now you have another folder on your local Windows machine:
– but this time OneDrive synchronizes it to regular SharePoint site.
There is also a “Personal OneDrive” – the same as regular OneDrive but free…
(again, do not be confused: initially there was just OneDrive – free personal version and OneDrive for Business – version you could have with Office 365 subscription; now they are Onedrive and Personal OneDrive 🙂 )
OneDrive is a Microsoft thing.
Google has “Drive File Stream” (Google drive)
Dropbox – Dropbox sync
What is Cloud and Why (wip)
(work in progress)
Consider some global shifts happened in IT during last decades:
- Service-Oriented Model
- Virtualization
- Automation
- Faster Networks
All of that allows Clouds exist
Consider also
- Fuzzy Organization Boundaries – Remote Workers
- More Complicated Software
- High salary for IT professional
- Business must change faster
All of that lead to Clouds concept
Imagine ideal Data Center – where everything is automated and where you can find any service…
How much it will cost to build that Data Center?
TBC… domain for sale
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