
Search schema: Search for a crawled property name wildcard


If you are managing SharePoint search, specifically if you are customizing SharePoint search schema, especially in SharePoint Online (Office 365) – you know how slow it works and how tiresome it is to “Search for a crawled property name”.


Recently I found out that wildcard works. No, even two wildcards work

In this example I need crawled property started from ows and contains doc and type:

SharePoint search through crawled properties


SharePoint 2010..2019 keys and images

SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019 download images and product trial/evaluation keys

Installing SharePoint on-prem? Need an image and a product key? Looking for an Office 365 subscription? Here you go.

Product keys for Microsoft SharePoint 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010: 

  • SharePoint 2019 Enterprise product key: M692G-8N2JP-GG8B2-2W2P7-YY7J6 (trial)
  • SharePoint 2019 Standard product key: F2DPD-HPNPV-WHKMK-G7C38-2G22J (trial)
  • SharePoint 2019 Project Server license key: R9946-QXNHR-62JPQ-3H3QC-TMWJT (trial)
  • SharePoint 2016 RTM evaluation key: NQGJR-63HC8-XCRQH-MYVCH-3J3QR
  • SharePoint 2013 Evaluation key: NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ
  • SharePoint 2010 Standard trial key: PTTCF-PCY26-D9V8F-8JF8B-XH8JP
  • SharePoint 2010 Enterprise trial key: VK7BD-VBKWR-6FHD9-Q3HM9-6PKMX

SharePoint 2019

SharePoint 2019 Server is available to download from Microsoft Evaluation Center

SharePoint Server 2013-2016:

SharePoint Server 2016 @ Microsoft Download Center

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 

Microsoft Evaluation Center

Step-by-step guide – how to setup SharePoint with AutoSPInstaller

Microsoft Teams and Office 365

free Microsoft Teams plan for home or business:
Compare Microsoft Teams Online Options | Microsoft Teams

trial Microsoft 365:
Compare All Microsoft 365 Plans | Microsoft

free Office 365 (for developers only): (no credit card required)

SharePoint and Artificial Intelligence

Cognitive Search – Azure Search with AI – 15 minutes video by Scott Hanselman and Rob Caron

Follow the blogs:

Chris McNulty, Microsoft – Enrich your SharePoint Content with Intelligence and Automation

Eric Dixon, Microsoft – Intelligent Search: Adding AI to SharePoint Search

David Lavenda, – Is Microsoft Search the Solution to Finding Information in Office 365? domain for sale

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Allow commenting on modern pages in SharePoint Online

Microsoft: “You can also select to allow or prevent commenting on modern pages. If you allow commenting, it can be turned on or off at the page level

By default both
– Allow users to create new modern pages
– Allow commenting on modern pages
are turned on (enabled)

Tenant or SharePoint admin can find settings under
SharePoint Admin Center -> Settings -> Pages

When you are creating a modern site page – there is an option “Comments” turned On by default:

And page with comments looks like:

Comments on site pages (aka modern pages) can be enabled or disabled at each of the levels:
– Tenant level
– Site (aka site collection) level
– Web (aka subsite ) level
– Page level
Here is how it is done:

LevelHow it’s doneWho can do it
TenantGUI ( SharePoint Administration)
or PowerShell
Global Administrator or
SharePoint Administrator
Site (Site Collection)PowerShellGlobal Administrator or
SharePoint Administrator
Web (Subsite)PowerShellSite Collection Administrator or Owner
(Full Control rights to web)
PageGUI (Page Editing screen)Site Member
(Edit right to page)

If commenting on modern pages disabled at higher level – lower level settings do not work. E.g. If you disable “Allow commenting on modern pages” at tenant level (it takes minutes) – the functionality will gone from all modern pages of all sites.

When you switch page comments Off – all existing comments will be hidden (but not deleted).
If you later turn comments On – comments will reappear, including Likes.

If “Allow commenting on modern pages” disabled at tenant or web level – you will not see “Comments On/Off” switch while editing page.
If “Allow commenting on modern pages” disabled at site collection level – you will see “Comments On/Off” switch while editing page, but you will not be able to turn it ON.


When you disable “Allow commenting on modern pages” at tenant level –
PowerShell Object (site/web) property “CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled” will not be changed for any site/web.
You can still with PowerShell set it to True/False:
“Set-PnPWeb -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$false”
but it does not take any effect.

If you enable “Allow commenting on modern pages” at tenant level (it takes ~10 minutes) – the functionality will return to all modern pages and
all webs and sites properties “CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled” will ???.
You can change it with PowerShell:
“Set-PnPWeb -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$false”.

# having Site Collection Admin Permissions:
# disable Comments On Site Pages for a subsite:
$webName = "SubSite_02"
Set-PnPWeb -Web $webName -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$true 
# enable Comments On Site Pages for a subsite 
# (only if comments enabled at tenant level):
Set-PnPWeb -Web $webName -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$false

# having global admin or SharePoint admin permissions:
# site collection:
Set-PnPTenantSite -Url $siteUrl -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$true
# tenant-level Comments:
Set-PnPTenant -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$true # disable
Set-PnPTenant -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$false # enable comments

# does not work:
Set-PnPSite -CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled:$true

How do I know if if the page is modern page or classic page (PowerShell)?

$list = Get-PnPList "Site Pages" -Includes ContentTypes, Fields
$list.ContentTypes | ft -a
$cType = Get-PnPContentType -List $list | ?{$_.Name -eq 'Site Page'};
$queryString = "<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ContentTypeId'/><Value Type='Text'>" + $cType.Id.StringValue + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>"  
$modernPages = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -Query $queryString
$modernPages | ft -a

How do I know if the page is a Home Page (PowerShell)?

# web object contains relative link to the web's Home Page:
$web = Get-PnPWeb -Connection $siteConnection -includes WelcomePage


– Microsoft “Allow users to create and comment modern pages

See also:
Allow users to create modern pages

We did not discuss “Wiki Pages” or “Web part Pages”, we discussed only “Modern Pages” (aka Site Pages).
I have tested it all personally using Communication sites.
MS-Team (group-based) and standalone SharePoint (no-group) sites – TBP.

UPA to UIL sync




SPO vs SharePoint on-prem

Microsoft “cloud first” initiative led us to the situation where SharePoint on-prem (SharePoint 2019) is just a branch (sub-project) of SharePoint Online project.

So “Hybrid” SharePoint environment is just a combination of two similar products – one in on-prem and the other one – in the cloud.