Tag Archives: Purview

Microsoft 365 retention policies: Static vs Adaptive scope

Adaptive scopes are good, but what if both policies are implemented? Which one wins?
The scenario for two policies might be: static retention policy is implemented as default retention policy for all sites, and if site require different retention or deletion – it should fall under one of the adaptive scopes and an adaptive retention policy will be applied.

Microsoft 365 Retention Policies SharePoint Adaptive Scopes Advanced Query

Basic query is available as GUI:

where you can use objects: “Site Url”, “Site Name” and “Refinable String 0″..”Refinable String 99”. Conditions would be “is equal to”, “is not equal to”, “starts with” and “not starts with”. Or you can select “Advanced query builder” and enter KQL query.

Advanced query builder

Advanced query builder allows us to use more site properties then “Site Url”, “Site Name” and “Refinable Strings” and more conditions than “is (not) equal to” and “(not) starts with”.

E.g. we can use “Title”, “Created”, “Modified” site properties and “=”,”:”,”<“, “>”, “<=”, “>=” conditions.

Working queries examples:

created>12/31/2021 AND modified>=7/31/2022
created<=2020-11-15 OR modified>2023-02-06 (?)
created<=2020-1-15 OR modified>2023-01-31 (?)
created<=11/15/2020 OR modified>1/31/2023
RefinableString09=Birding AND RefinableString08<>Included

Not working queries examples:

RefinableString11 = Birds # (do not use spaces in advanced query)
? RefinableString09<>Birding AND RefinableString08:Official
modified>31/1/2023 (should be like modified>2023-01-31

Query against custom site property (aka property bag value)

You can create custom site property and assign value to the property with
Set-PnPAdaptiveScopeProperty or Set-PnPPropertyBagValue.
Property must be with “Indexed” parameter. Once the property is set up, m365 search crawls site and creates crawled property. Then you map crawled property to some pre-created refinable string managed property. You can assign alias to this managed property.

In my test scenario I used RefinableString09 with alias SiteCustomSubject.

Site property valueQueryresult
BirdingRefinableString09:Birddoes not work
BirdingSiteCustomSubject:Birddoes not work
BirdingSiteCustomSubject:Bird*does not work
BirdingSiteCustomSubject:Birdingdoes not work
BirdingRefinableString09=Birddoes not work
BirdingRefinableString09=Bird*does not work
BirdingSiteCustomSubject=Birdingdoes not work
RefinableString09=Birding AND RefinableString08<>Includedworks

Query against multi-value property.

Site property valueQueryresult
TestA TestBRefinableString09:TestAworks
TestA TestBRefinableString09 = ‘TestA TestB’does not work
TestA TestB??? RefinableString09=’Test10 Test5′does not work
TestA TestBRefinableString09:TestB ?
TestA,TestBRefinableString09=Test*does not work
TestA,TestBRefinableString09:Testdoes not work
TestB TestA
TestA TestB
TestA, TestB
TestA TestB
RefinableString09=TestAdoes not work
TestA,TestB(basic) RefinableString09 starts with testworks

Some more findings

Modify adaptive scope

If you need to modify adaptive scope – you’d better delete it and create a new one. The reason – if you want to validate what sites are included in scope with GUI – via button “Scope details” – you want to see only sites that are in scope, but that’s not the case when you modify the scope, because if you modify the scope – you’d see sites that are not in scope with “Removed” status.

Alternatively you can use filter to filter out removed from scope sites.

what else?

What is the takeaway from this for SharePoint administrators? We would be asked to configure SharePoint the way compliance…


Adaptive scopes Retention Policies Data Lifecycle Purview

Microsoft recently implemented “Adaptive” retention policies. At step 2 of “Create retention policy” you’ll be asked “Choose the type of retention policy to create”: “A policy can be adaptive or static. Advantage of an adaptive policy will automatically update where it’s applied based on attributes or properties you’ll define. A static policy is applied to content in a fixed set of locations and must be manually updated if those locations change.”

And if you selected “Adaptive” – on the next step you will need to provide the adaptive scope (so at this moment you should already have created your adaptive scopes):

So, let us create your adaptive scopes.
What type of scope do you want to create? SharePoint sites…

And then you’ll have nothing more then set of conditions:

where you can use objects: “Site Url”, “Site Name” and “Refinable String 0″..”Refinable String 99”. Conditions would be “is equal to”, “is not equal to”, “starts with” and “not starts with”. Or you can select “Advanced query builder” and enter KQL query.

Advanced query builder for SharePoint Adaptive Scope