Category Archives: Microsoft Graph

Search in SharePoint using Microsoft Graph API with application credentials

Microsoft Graph API allows you to work with all the Microsoft 365 content – including search through Exchange e-mail messages, Yammer (Viva Engage) and Teams chat messages and surely OneDrive and SharePoint content (please refer to the original doc). Let me focus on searching in SharePoint Online and OD here but you can use the same technique to search through other Microsoft 365 services. I will use PowerShell but same ideas should work for other platforms/languages – Python, C#, node.js etc.

Assuming we have a registered Azure app configured correctly, including Secrets/Certificates blade and API permissions provided – we should be ready to authenticate and call Graph API unattended – on behalf of application itself.

Let us authenticate as a service/daemon app with client id and client secret:

# Authenticate to M365 as an unattended application

# specify your app id. app secret, tenant id:
$clientID = ""
$clientSc = ""
$TenantId = ""

# Construct URI and body needed for authentication
$uri = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = @{
    client_id     = $clientID
    client_secret = $clientSc
    scope         = ""
    grant_type    = "client_credentials" 

# Get OAuth 2.0 Token
$tokenRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
$token = ($tokenRequest.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $token" }

Below is how I search Microsoft 365 content programmatically from PowerShell using MS Graph API being authenticates as user.

# Search
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem','list','drive','site']"
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem']"

$query = "LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-01-01"
$apiUrl = ""
$query = "test*"
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"
      "from" : 0,
      "size" : 5,
      "fields": ["WebUrl","lastModifiedBy","name" ],
      "region": "NAM"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

Notice we use “region” – it is required to search with Graph API under application credentials. Otherwise you will get an error message “SearchRequest Invalid (Region is required when request with application permission.)”:

Parameter “fields” allows you to request only fields you need to be returned. As returning object will be smaller your request will perform faster.

There might be a big number of objects found in m365 upon your request. Graph will not always return to you all the results. AFAIK currently the limit is 500, so if there are more than 500 objects found – only first 500 will be returned. You can specify how many objects you need to be returned per call with “size” parameter.

You can check value of $res.value[0].hitsContainers[0].moreResultsAvailable property and if it’s True – that means there are more results. The value above and parameters “from” and “size” would allow you to organize a loop so you can call search API many times to return all results.

Other articles index:
Search m365 SharePoint and Teams content programmatically via MS Graph API

Using Microsoft Graph Search API as current user

Microsoft Graph API allows you to work with all the Microsoft 365 content – including search through Exchange e-mail messages, Yammer (Viva Engage) and Teams chat messages and surely OneDrive and SharePoint content (please refer to the MS’s original doc). After we got a registered Azure app configured correctly, including Authentication and API permissions provided (more on this) – we should be ready to authenticate and call Graph API on behalf of a user.

Let me focus on searching in SharePoint Online and OD here but you can use the same technique to search through other Microsoft 365 services. I will use PowerShell but same ideas should work for other platforms/languages – Python, C#, node.js etc.

Let us authenticate first. We’d need a MSAL.PS module for that.

# Ensure we have MSAL.PS module installed
Get-Module MSAL.PS -ListAvailable | ft name, Version, Path 
# Install-Module MSAL.PS -Force -Scope CurrentUser -AcceptLicense
Import-Module MSAL.PS

# Authenticate to Microsoft Interactively 
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c' # your client id
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544' # your tenant id
$token = Get-MsalToken -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $clientid -Interactive
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)" }

Below is how I search Microsoft 365 content programmatically from PowerShell using MS Graph API being authenticates as user:

# Search
# MS Graph Search API url (beta or v1.0):
$apiUrl = ""

# specify where to search - entity types
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem','list','drive','site']"
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem']"

# query
$query = "test*"

# build a simple request body
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"

# call Graph API:
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

# explore returned object

I used “beta” search API to research or make demos, but in production code youd stick with “v1.0”.

You can scope search down using entity types – ‘driveItem’,’listItem’,’list’,’drive’,’site’. “driveitem” here represents document library.

In query you can use KQL.

Always check if more results available with “$res.value[0].hitsContainers[0].moreResultsAvailable”. If there are more results and you need them – consider looping using paging technique.


Authorization to Microsoft Graph: Azure Registered Apps API permissions

Being authenticated to Microsoft 365 tenant means Microsoft 365 knows who is trying to get access. To actually be able read/write or manage resource, your app must be Authorized to this resource.

For details – pls refer to MS authorization and Microsoft Graph API permissions. But again, in short in our case that means we need to have an API permission configured for our azure registered app. There are two kinds of API permissions – delegated and application.

Delegated permissions are intended to allow currently authenticated user to have access to the resource. Effective user permissions in this app would be an intersection of user own permissions and app permissions. So if an app have “Sites.FullControl.All” SharePoint delegated API permissions – that does not mean that user will have full control over all sites.

Here is an example of delegated permissions:

Permissions above allow you to search through SharePoint content being authenticated with your personal credentials. In search results you will see only content you already have access to.

Application permissions are what it says – once permissions are configured – application will have access to the resources according to API permissions.

Generally, application permissions allow an app to have access to all resources of the same kind in tenant, e.g. to get one specific groups owners an app must have “GroupMember.Read.All” permission that allows an app to read all tenant groups and their members. There are some exceptions – e.g. for Teams Microsoft developed RSC that allows scoped app access. For SharePoint there is a similar option – “Sites.Selected” API permissions.

API permissions must have an Admin consent. Here is an example of application permissions:

Permissions above allow your app to search all SharePoint content.


Authentication to Microsoft Graph: Azure Registered Apps Certificates and Secrets

Before we can make search call to Microsoft 365 in our code – we need to be authenticated.

There are many kinds of authentication flows Microsoft supports. For more details – please refer to Microsoft Identity Platform documentation but in short – there are two kind of authentications – as current user and as daemon application and in both cases we need an application registration in Azure.

Briefly here is what you need to have for your custom application to authenticate to Microsoft 365:

  • register Application in Microsoft Azure
  • configure Authentication blade (for interactive apps)
  • configure Secrets or Certificates (for daemon apps)

Register Application in Microsoft Azure

1. You’d go to
2. Type app registration in search and select App registration

3. Select “New registration”

4. For now, you’d just need to provide your application display name and leave other fields as default – Single tenant and no redirection Url, then click “Register”

5. If you are seeing an error message telling that your are not allowed to register an app – you’d reach your AAD/EntraId/Global admins so they can register an app for you.

6. Under Azure Portal App Registrations you should be able to see your app:

7. Under Overview blade notice you Client Id and tenant Id:

Configure Authentication blade for interactive apps

Azure apps for interactive authentication are configured differently (check MS app types and authentication flows) for different scenarios/platforms.

Here is a good article from MS. Microsoft Graph quick start can register an app for you. Microsoft publish tutorials for .net, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, TypeScript…

In a few words, you’d need to add Platform as below

manually if you know how to configure it.
Otherwise, Quickstart and/or Integration assistant might help you.

Here is how I configure apps for interactive user authentication for PowerShell.

You do not need Certificates or Secrets for authentication as current user.

Configure Secrets or Certificates for daemon apps

Daemon apps (aka service apps, also called background jobs) – all kind unattended access scenarios do not require configuration under Authentication blade – but require Secrets or Certificate. You’d need to be familiar with certificates, as certificates considered as more secure way to authenticate and some authentication flows allow secrets, but some require certificates.

So for daemon apps you need a secret and/or certificate:

Here is how I configure daemon app for PowerShell.

Having an app configured as above – you should be able to authenticate against Microsoft 365 Graph API, but should not have access to resources, as app is not authorized yet.


Search M365 content from code: use-cases

Why do we need to implement search in our applications?

Use-cases for search on behalf of current user

Along with the usual ones – where you just need your app to search for some data and bring it to user – there is one different scenario I’d like to share:

You need to quickly detect content in SharePoint that is open for everyone

Brute force solution – getting detailed permissions report for all SharePoint sites might not be a feasible option, especially in large environments – it is a very resource-consuming task and might take days and weeks. So consider the following…

Since search is security-trimmed – a user can get only search results he/she already has access to; but what if we create an account and do not grant any SharePoint permissions or group memberships to this account, and then we’d search for everything on behalf of this account? That would mean that all what search returns represent content that is shared with everyone. There are some tricks and gotchas – here is the separate article on the same.

Use-cases for unattended search

What are the use-cases when you need to search in your daemon app or background job? Be aware that when you search on behalf of application credentials – search is NOT security-trimmed and your query would run against ALL SharePoint content… Here are some possible scenarios.

  • Content detection/Investigation
    • Let say you want some data is never shared with anyone and never appeared in search for anyone
    • Or you might want to investigate what is the location some specific data is available at
  • Imagine you are building sites classification system and
    you use indexed custom site properties – so you are able to refine search results based on site metadata to get list of specific sites (adaptive scopes used in retention policy are based on the same mechanics)
  • Automation – let say you have a requirement to configure every tenant site in some ways – for instance – add some hosts to allowed domains to embed video or set some site properties based on who created the site or activate or deactivate some features and so on – how would you do that? You’d probably have a scheduled job that runs let say every hour against only new sites – sites created during that last hour. How would you get these recently created sites? Search with Graph API is the only nice solution today.

Index of other articles on the subject:

  • Search Microsoft 365 content programmatically: Index
  • Search Microsoft 365 content programmatically: Use-case scenarios
  • Authentication to Microsoft Graph: Azure Registered Apps Certificates and Secrets
  • Authorization to Microsoft Graph: Azure Registered Apps API permissions
  • Calling Microsoft Graph Search API from code as current user
  • Calling Microsoft Graph Search API from daemon/service app
  • Using Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module to Search in Microsoft 365
  • Using PnP.PowerShell module to Search in Microsoft 365

Search m365 SharePoint and Teams content programmatically via MS Graph API

In the articles below I’m sharing my techniques on searching in Microsoft 365 SharePoint and Teams from application using Microsoft Graph API.
Specifically I’m covering

  • Microsoft Graph search API
  • Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module
  • PnP.PowerShell module

In two flavors:

  • Search on behalf of currently authenticated user
  • Unattended Search with daemon (also called service) applications

Index of my articles on the subject:

Video tutorials

Search through Microsoft 365 SharePoint from code

Below is how do I search Microsoft 365 content programmatically from PowerShell using MS Graph API, PowerShell PnP, Microsoft Graph module, MSAL library being authenticated as user or daemon application. Let me focus on SharePoint content here but you can use the same technique to search through other Microsoft 365 services. Also, I’ll be using PowerShell but same ideas should work for other platforms/languages – Python, C#, node.js etc.

First, we need to be authenticated

Here is how to authenticate to Microsoft 365 Graph API.

Second, we need to be authorized

To search on behalf of currently authenticated user we need delegated “Sites.Read.All” API permissions. I recommend you to add both Graph API and SharePoint API permissions as different libraries might use different API’s under the hood. Ensure you add delegated “Sites.Read.All” even if you already have “Sites.FullControl.All” as by some reason “Sites.FullControl.All” does not always work for search.

Here is how an app API permissions to search as current user should look like:

app API permissions to search as current user

Actually, for interactive authentication app ownership is not required, so we can surely use our own registered app, but also it is possible to use any other app registered in Azure and properly configured, e.g. Enterprise “PnP Management Shell” app id: “31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e”
How do I create and configure Azure App with delegated permissions to SharePoint for PowerShel usage

For unattended search – e.g. search on behalf of daemon app – we need application “Sites.Read.All” API permissions. Again, I suggest both Graph API and SharePoint API permissions added. Here is how an app API permissions to search as daemon app should look like:

Ensure you got admin consent for API permissions.

In case you have incorrect permissions in your app – Microsoft Graph will be kind enough to inform you exactly what you need. Example:

“Access to ChatMessage in Graph API requires the following permissions: Chat.Read or Chat.ReadWrite, ChannelMessage.Read.All. However, the application only has the following permissions granted: Sites.Read.All, User.Read”

Assuming we have configured apps – let us get started with

Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft Graph API allows search through all the Microsoft 365 content – including Exchange e-mail messages, Yammer (Viva Engage) and Teams chat messages and surely OneDrive and SharePoint content (please refer to the original doc).

Authenticate as current user to Search with Graph API

I use MSAL.PS PowerShell module to get token, then I build a headers variable

# Prerequisites
Get-Module MSAL.PS -ListAvailable | ft name, Version, Path 
# Install-Module MSAL.PS -Force -Scope CurrentUser -AcceptLicense
Import-Module MSAL.PS

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
$token = Get-MsalToken -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $clientid -Interactive
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)" }

Authenticate as service/daemon app

You’d need to update the script providing Tenant id, client (app) id and client (app) secret:

# App Authentication
$clientID = ""
$clientSc = ""
$TenantId = ""

# Construct URI and body needed for authentication
$uri = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = @{
    client_id     = $clientID
    client_secret = $clientSc
    scope         = ""
    grant_type    = "client_credentials" 

# Get OAuth 2.0 Token
$tokenRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
$token = ($tokenRequest.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $token" }

Search m365 SharePoint and OD content with Microsoft Graph API

In this sample I limited search scope to list items only ($entityTypes = “[‘listItem’]”). Check other entity types here.


# Search
$entityTypes = "['listItem']"
$apiUrl = ""
$query = "*"
# body for interactive search
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

If you are getting error message “SearchRequest Invalid (Region is required when request with application permission.)”:

that’s OK, just modify your body to include region like this (“region”: “NAM” for North America or “GBR” or …). Also, I can modify body with from/size for paging (technique used to iterate through search results if there are many) and return just specific fields to decrease traffic and improve performance:

# Search
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem','list','drive','site']"
$entityTypes = "['driveItem','listItem']"

$query = "LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-01-01"
$apiUrl = ""
$query = "test*"
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": $entityTypes,
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"
      "from" : 0,
      "size" : 5,
      "fields": ["WebUrl","lastModifiedBy","name" ],
      "region": "NAM"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

We’d not use region for interactive calls or we’ll get “Region is not supported when request with delegated permission.”.

Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module

There is a Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module provided by Microsoft which simplifies authentication and search operations.

Interactive authentication code sample:

# Prerequisites
Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -ListAvailable 
Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Search -ListAvailable 

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = '31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e'
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $TenantId

For daemon app authentication we need a certificate configured in Azure App and installed on the user machine. Daemon app authentication code sample (please specify your tenant id, app (client) id and certificate thumbprint:

# App Authentication
$clientID = ""
$certThumbprint = ""
$TenantId = ""
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $TenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint

Code sample for SharePoint search with Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module

As currently authenticated user

# Search in the current user context
$params = @{
	requests = @(
			entityTypes = @(
			query = @{
				queryString = "lorem"
			from = 0
			size = 25
			fields = @(

$res = Invoke-MgQuerySearch -Body $params

Again, in case with app authentication – an additional parameter – region – is required:

# Search
$params = @{
	requests = @(
			entityTypes = @(
			query = @{
				queryString = "lorem"
			from = 0
			size = 25
			fields = @(
                        region = "NAM"

$res = Invoke-MgQuerySearch -Body $params

It’s a good idea to explore returning object.

PnP.PowerShell module

PnP.PowerShell allows you to search through Microsoft 365 SharePoint content with PowerShell style – using command and options.

Let us authenticate interactively:

# Interactive Authentication
$clientid = 'd82858e0-ed99-424f-a00f-cef64125e49c'
$TenantId = '7ddc7314-9f01-45d5-b012-71665bb1c544'
$siteUrl = ""
Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $clientid -Tenant $TenantId -Url $siteUrl -Interactive

Authentication on behalf of service/daemon app would require certificate installed on the machine and configured in the app and look like:

# Application (daemon) Authentication
$clientID = ""
$certThumbprint = ""
$TenantId = ""
$siteUrl = ""
Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $clientid -Tenant $TenantId -Url $siteUrl -Thumbprint $certThumbprint

There are no differences in Microsoft 365 SharePoint Search with PowerShell code samples for interactive and daemon apps (no region parameter).


# search
$query = "test*"
$res = Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query 

# examples of query:
$query = "test*"
$query = "* contentclass:STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary"
$query = "* author:Patti"
$query = "test* site:"

# examples of submitting request
$res = Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query 
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -All 
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -MaxResults 5
Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query $query -SortList @{"LastModifiedTime" = "ascending"} 

# exploring result object:

Video tutorials

Video tutorials (playlist) on how to authenticate to Microsoft 365 and Search through Microsoft 365 content from code


Microsoft Graph CLI vs PowerShell SDK

Microsoft recently (Oct 2023) announced Microsoft Graph command-line interface (CLI) tool – mgc.
Microsoft: “The Microsoft Graph PowerShell command-line interface (CLI) acts as an API wrapper for the Microsoft Graph APIs, exposing the entire API set for use from the command line”. Example:

mgc users list --filter "displayName eq 'John Smith'"

Meantime there is a Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK (PowerShell module Microsoft.Graph ) since 2020. Example:

Get-MgUser -Filter "displayName eq 'John Smith'"

So, what is the difference? Why Microsoft provides two similar tools? What are the use case scenarios, functionality and scope of each one?

Here is the comparison:

Microsoft Graph SDKMicrosoft Graph CLI
Access to all Microsoft Graph APIs
Cross-platform support
Supports modern authentication
Uses least privilege
Open source
Receives regular updates