Tag Archives: PnP

Retrieve SharePoint Online system page html content programmatically (PowerShell)

How can I get HTML content of a SharePoint online page from code, e.g. PowerShell?

Invoke-WebRequest returns “Sign in to your account” page, not a real page, even with -Token option.

Thanks to Denis Molodtsov, the solution is found. It turns out the “Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod” PnP cmdlet works not only against /api endpoints, but also against site pages and system pages.

But (as per my experience) it works only with PnP.PowerShell and with -UseWebLogin authentication option and with -raw parameter.

Connect-PnPOnline -url $siteUrl -UseWebLogin
Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -url /_layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx -Raw

Other combination of authentication options ( -interactive, -clientId, -Token, -SPOManagementShell, -PnPManagementShell ) – worked well, but only for /_api endpoints, and gave me “401 UNAUTHORIZED” against system/site pages.
Unattended authentication (with clientId, clientSecret and certificate) – same.

Legacy PnP module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline did not work at all: “EXCEPTION,PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Admin.InvokeSPRestMethod”.

I tested it with
– SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline v 3.29.2101.0 (under Windows PowerShell 5.1) and
– PnP.PowerShell 1.8.0. (both Windows PowerShell 5.1 and .net core PowerShell 7.1.5)

PowerShell Script to Fetch All Alerts from SharePoint Online Site

PowerShell Script to get All Alerts of all Users from a specific SharePoint Online Site Collection, including subsites:



based on Salaudeen Rajack:
SharePoint Online: Get All Alerts from a Site Collection using PowerShell

Connect to SharePoint Online and MS Graph Interactively with Client App and MSAL token


You have a Microsoft 365 subscription with SharePoint Online. You use PowerShell, PnP.PowerShell module and MS Graph API to work with SharePoint under current user’s credential. You need to authenticate to SharePoint Online via Connect-PnPOnline and to Microsoft Graph API interactively on behalf of a current user.


Unfortunately, both “Connect-PnPOnline -Interactive -Url <siteUrl>” or “Connect-PnPOnline -UseWebLogin -Url <siteUrl>” might fail with something like “Need admin approval”, “App needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.” or “Permissions requested” or similar


  • register an Azure App. Choose “single tenant”
  • configure authentication blade:
    – add platform – “Mobile and Desktop app”
    select “https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient”
    add custom Redirect URI: “http://localhost”
  • configure API permissions blade:
    – add delegated permissions you need (refer to specific API you’ll use)
    e.g. Microsoft Graph Sites.FullControl.All and SharePoint AllSites.FullControl
  • use the following code samples


$siteUrl = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/teams/myTeamsSite"
$appId = "" # Client Id
Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $appId -Url $siteUrl -Interactive

A pop-up window will appear to authenticate interactively. If you are already authenticated with another credentials (or single-sigh-on) – an interactive window might pop up and disappear – that prevents you enter your other id.
To ensure Connect-PnPOnline prompts you for your credentials – use ” -ForceAuthentication” option.

If you are a SharePoint tenant admin – you can connect to a tenant with:

$orgName = "yourTenantPrefix" 
$adminUrl = "https://$orgName-admin.sharepoint.com" 
$appId = "" # Client Id 
$connection = Connect-PnPOnline -ClientId $appId -Url $adminUrl -Interactive -ReturnConnection # -ForceAuthentication 

Microsoft Graph API

Use MSAL.PS module to get an msal token then use token in Microsoft graph-based requests:

$tenantId = ""
$clientid = ""
$url = ""
$token = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $tenantId -Interactive

By default token expires in ~ 1 hour. But you can refresh it silently.
This helps you in long-running PowerShell scripts that takes hours to complete.
So you can include something like this in the loop:

if ($token.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -lt $(get-date).AddMinutes(10)) {    
  $token = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $tenantId -ForceRefresh -Silent    
  Write-Host "Token will expire on:" $token.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime

Application permissions

Somehow using Connect-PnPOnline with AccessToken option did not work if the token was acquired with MSAL.PS interactively. But it did work when you get msal.ps token unattended (using App credentials). So…

If you can get an Application (non Delegated) permissions to your azure-registerd-app,
you can use msal token to connect to site with PnP


NB: For delegated permissions, the effective permissions of your app are the intersection of the delegated permissions the app has been granted (via consent) and the privileges of the currently signed-in user. Your app can never have more privileges than the signed-in user.

Connect-PnPOnline with a certificate stored in Azure Key Vault


You run some PnP PowerShell code unattended e.g. daemon/service app, background job – under application permissions – with no user interaction.
Your app needs to connect to SharePoint and/or Microsoft Graph API. Your organization require authentication with a certificate (no secrets). You want certificate stored securely in Azure Key Vault.

Solution (Step-by-step process)

  1. Obtain a certificate (create a self-signed or request trusted)
  2. In Azure where you have Microsoft 365 SharePoint tenant
    1. Create a new Registered App in Azure; save App (client) id, Directory (Tenant) Id
    2. Configure App: add MS Graph and SharePoint API application (not delegated) permissions
    3. Upload the certificate to the app under “Certificates & secrets”
  3. In Azure where you have paid subscription (could be same or different)
    1. Create an Azure Key Vault
    2. Upload certificate to the Key Vault manually (with GUI)
  4. While you develop/debug your custom daemon application at your local machine
    1. Provide permissions to the Key Vault via Access Control and Access Policies to your personal account
    2. Connect to Azure (the one where your Key Vault is) running Connect-AzAccount
      – so your app can get a Certificate to authenticate to SharePoint Online
  5. For your application deployed to Azure (e.g. Azure Function App )
    1. Turn On managed identity (Your Function App -> Identity -> Status:On) and Save; notice an Object (Principal) Id just created
    2. Provide for your managed identity principal Id permissions to the Key Vault via Key Vault Access Policies, so when your daemon app is running in the cloud – it could go to the key Vault and retrieve Certificate

Here is the sample PowerShell code to get certificate from Azure Key Vault and Connect to SharePoint with PnP (Connect-PnPOnline):

# ensure you use PowerShell 7

# connect to your Azure subscription
Connect-AzAccount -Subscription "<subscription id>" -Tenant "<tenant id>"
Get-AzSubscription | fl

# Specify Key Vault Name and Certificate Name
$VaultName = "<azure key vault name>"
$certName = "certificate name as it stored in key vault"

# Get certificate stored in KeyVault (Yes, get it as SECRET)
$secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $vaultName -Name $certName
$secretValueText = ($secret.SecretValue | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText )

# connect to PnP
$tenant = "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" # or tenant Id
$siteUrl = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com"
$clientID = "<App (client) Id>" # Azure Registered App with the same certificate and API permissions configured
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -ClientId $clientID -Tenant $tenant -CertificateBase64Encoded $secretValueText


The same PowerShell code in GitHub: Connect-PnPOnline-with-certificate.ps1


PnP.PowerShell Batches and PowerShell 7 Parallel


Can I use PowerShell 7 “-Parallel” option against SharePoint list items with PnP.PowerShell? Can I run something like:

$items | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
    $listItem = Set-PnPListItem -List "LargeList" -Identity $_ -Values @{"Number" = $(Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum 200 ) }

Yes, sure… But! Since it’s a cloud operation against Microsoft 365 – you will be throttled if you start more than 2 parallel threads! Using just 2 threads does not provide significant performance improvements.


So, try PnP.PowerShell batches instead. When you use batching, number of requests to the server are much lower. Consider something like:

$batch = New-PnPBatch
1..100 | ForEach-Object{ Add-PnPListItem -List "ItemTest" -Values @{"Title"="Test Item Batched $_"} -Batch $batch }
Invoke-PnPBatch -Batch $batch


Adding and setting 100 items with “Add-PnPListItem” and “Set-PnPListItem” in a large (more than 5000 items ) SharePoint list measurements:

Time per item, seconds
Time per item, seconds
Regular, without batching1.261.55
Using batches (New-PnPBatch)0.100.80
Using “Parallel” option, with ThrottleLimit 20.690.79
Using “Parallel” option, with ThrottleLimit 30.44 (fails level: ~4/100) 0.53 (fails level: ~3/100)

Adding items with PnP.PowerShell batching is much faster than without batching.


SharePoint PnP roadmap

Good news!
On Sep, 18 during the SIG community call, PnP Team shared their plans on PnP Sites Core library and PnP Core SDK.
“PnP Sites Core v4” library and “PnP Core SDK v1” with .net core support (.net Standard 2.0) – expected in December 2020!

PnP PowerShell v4 for SPO library built for .Net Standard 2.0 / PowerShell 7 will be released in Dec 2020 as well.

How to delete a large SPO list or all/some items in a large SPO list

Scenario: You have a large (>5k items) list in SharePoint Online you need to clean-up, for instance:

  • You need to delete the entire list
  • You need to delete all the list items, but keep the list
  • You need to delete some of list items, but keep the others

Deleting a large SharePoint Online list

There was a problem in SharePoint Online – you could not delete a large list – you had to remove all items first, but removing all items was also a challenge. Microsoft improved SharePoint Online, so now it takes ~1 second to delete any SharePoint list, including 5000+ items list via GUI or PowerShell:

Remove-PnPList -Identity $list

command works very fast – ~1 second to delete entire list with >5000 items.

Delete all items in a large SharePoint Online list

In this scenario we need to keep the list, but make it empty (clean it up).

GUI: You can change the list view settings “Item Limit” to <5000 and try to delete items in chunks, but (at least in my experience) when you try to select, let say, 1000 items and delete them via GUI – it says “775 items were not deleted from large list”:

so this option seems like not a good one.

ShareGate: 3-rd party tools like Sharegate, SysKit give a good results too.


Try this PowerShell command with ScriptBlock:

Get-PnPListItem -List $list -Fields "ID" -PageSize 100 -ScriptBlock { Param($items) $items | Sort-Object -Property Id -Descending | ForEach-Object{ $_.DeleteObject() } } 

or this PowerShell with batches:

$batch = New-PnPBatch
1..12000 | Foreach-Object { Remove-PnPListItem -List $list -Identity $_ -Batch $batch }
Invoke-PnPBatch -Batch $batch

for me both methods gave same good result: ~17 items per second ( ~7 times faster than regular).

Deleting some items from a large SPO list

Consider the following scenario: in a large SharePoint list there are items you need to delete and the rest items must stay (typical case might be to purge old items – e.g. items created last year).

In this case you’d

  • get all list items (or use query to get some list items)
  • select items that need to be deleted based on your criteria, e.g. created date or last modified date etc.
  • use PnP.PowerShell batches to delete only what you need
# to get all list items
$listItems = Get-PnPListItem -List Tasks -PageSize 1000
# or to get some list items 
$listItems = Get-PnPListItem -List Tasks -Query <query>
# select items to delete
$itemsToDelete = $listItems | ?{$_.Modified -lt $threshold}
# delete some list items
$batch = New-PnPBatch 
$itemsToDelete | Foreach-Object { Remove-PnPListItem -List $list -Identity $_ -Batch $batch } 
Invoke-PnPBatch -Batch $batch

PnP.PowerShell batch vs ScriptBlock

How fast are PnP batches? What is better in terms of performance – ScriptBlock or Batching? Here are my measurements:

Time elapsed, secondswith batcheswith scriptBlockwithout batches
Add-PnPListItem (100 items)6-10 seconds60-120 seconds
Add-PnPListItem (500 items)20-40 seconds230-600 seconds
Add-PnPListItem (7000 items)314-600 seconds
Add-PnPListItem (37000 items)3200 seconds
Remove-PnPListItem (1000 items)58-103 seconds58 seconds430-1060 seconds
Remove-PnPListItem (7000 items)395-990 seconds
3000 seconds
397-980 seconds
Remove-PnPListItem (30000 items)one big batch : 13600 seconds
30 batches 1000 items each: 3500 seconds

both – PnP PowerShell batches and ScriptBlocks are 7-10 times faster than plain PnP PowerShell!

Can we use Microsoft Graph API to complete the same task? TBC…

Note… For the sake of history: It used to be like that for 5k+ lists:
“Remove-PnPList” fails with a message “The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator”. Deleting with GUI failed too.
