Tag Archives: SPO

Token – SharePoint API compatibility matrix

If I get token with (Graph, MSAL, PnP) and use this token for (Graph API, SharePoint CSOM API, SharePoint REST API) matrix.

An App used in this tests has Sites.FullControl.All MS Graph API and SharePoint API permissions, as well as FullControl ACS based permissions to SharePoint (AppInv.aspx).

Token/APIMS Graph
SharePoint CSOM
SharePoint REST API
MS Graph
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with secret
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with certificate
OK(401) UnauthorizedAudienceUriValidationFailedException
with Certificate
with Certificate
with Certificate or secret
with Certificate
with Secret
AudienceUriValidationFailedException = Exception of type ‘Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.AudienceUriValidationFailedException’ was thrown

Hide User from Microsoft 365 People Search (for real)

Update from Mar 5, 2023: Microsoft confirmed this as valid solution.


You want specific users do not appear in Microsoft 365 SharePoint, Teams or Outlook search results. For instance, when user left company and the account is not deleted, but just disabled in Entra Id (Azure AD), so account is present and searchable. Or there are two accounts of the same person – main one and a secondary one – so you want secondary account is removed from org structure and search. Etc.


Set “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property to false. If users are synchronized from local AD – set AD property instead.


In many cases we do not need some accounts appear in Microsoft 365 Search. Examples of are:

a) secondary/admin accounts
e.g. a person have several roles and several accounts under the same name, e.g.
regular user: John Smith John.Smith@contoso.com
administrative account: John Smith John.Smith.2@contoso.com
b) role, shared or service accounts
c) non-mail-enabled objects
d) disabled accounts

Getting multiple results for the same one person might confuse users and even lead to miscommunication and broken processes.

There is a good article by Tania Menice (Microsoft): Exclude Users From Delve and SharePoint Online People Search with the latest updates explaining how it is done for classic search and stating that currently it is not possible for modern search, but Microsoft is working on it.

Basically, the article says:

  • Set the profiles AD property msExchHideFromAddressLists to True or Yes,
  • Sync/wait, so finally SharePoint UPA service SPS-HideFromAddressLists property will be set (msExchHideFromAddressLists AD property is mapped to the UPA SPS-HideFromAddressLists)
  • Under SharePoint classic search – update query:
    {searchboxquery} to {searchboxquery} -“SPS-HideFromAddressLists”:1

It works perfect for classic search. The problem is it does not work as expected in modern Microsoft Search.

“People” vertical is not customizable so far. So we cannot change query in Microsoft 365 search to do the same trick. But… it seems like Microsoft is working on it so finally it should be done by ootb means.

Here is the current situation on how different services or search entry points respect SPS-HideFromAddressLists property:

Microsoft 365 Service or Search Entry pointrespect SPS-HideFromAddressLists
web Outlook “New message” user pickerYes
web Outlook “Contacts”Yes
Office.com “All” verticalYes
Office.com “People” verticalNo
SharePoint landing page “All” verticalYes
SharePoint landing page “People” verticalNo
Bing Work All VerticalYes
Bing Work People VerticalYes

So only “People” vertical in Microsoft search does not respect SPS-HideFromAddressLists (msExchHideFromAddressLists).

What about cloud-based accounts (not synchronized from local AD)?

There is a configuration setting “Show in global address list” that does the same job. It’s under Microsoft 365 admin center -> Active Users -> User – Edit -> Mail -> Show in global address list:

And another configuration settings “Hide from global address list (GAL)” under Exchange Admin Center:

Here are experiment results:

User Account12345
Licensed (E5)NoYesYesYesYes
m365 Admin Center: Show in Global Address Listn/aNoNoYesNo
Exchange Admin Center: Hide from global address list (GAL)n/aYesYesNoYes
Get-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName <upn> -Select ShowInAddressList -AppendSelected | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, ShowInAddressListnullnullnullnullFalse
SPO UPA ‘SPS-HideFromAddressLists‘ valueFalseFalseFalseFalseTrue
Outlook Address List “All Users” Shown
Office.com Search: Vertical “All”Shown
Office.com Search: Vertical “People”ShownShownShownShown
Bing Work Search: All/People verticalsShownShown
Teams Search: “All” VerticalShownShown
Teams Search: “People” verticalShownShownShownShown
Microsoft 365 Profile card – OrganizationShownShown
Teams Profile card – OrganizationShownShownShownShown
Teams People PickerShownShownShownShown
SharePoint People PickerShown
Outlook People Picker:Shown
* – some users can see changes after hours, for some it takes days

It seems confusing we have properties:

  • “Show in Global Address List” under m365 Admin Center
  • “Hide from global address list (GAL)” under Exchange Admin Center
  • “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property
  • “SPS-HideFromAddressLists” SharePoint User Profile property

Are these properties related to each other?

Let’s test it:

(immediate reaction – minutes if not other mentioned)
“Show in Global Address List”
under m365 Admin Center
“Hide from global address list (GAL)”
under Exchange Admin Center
Azure AD User object property
SharePoint User Profile property
New user created, license assignedYesOffnullFalse
Uncheck “Show in my organization address list” under Microsoft 365 admin centerNoOnafter one minute: null
after 24 hours:
after one minute:
after 24 hours:
Set “ShowInAddressList”
Azure AD User object property to “True”
Set “ShowInAddressList”
Azure AD User object property to “False”

Note: Az module works fine too. I.e. Get-AzADUser instead of Get-AzureADUser and Set-AzADUser instead of Set-AzureADUser.


  • “Show in Global Address List” under m365 Admin Center and “Hide from global address list (GAL)” under Exchange Admin Center – same switch, i.e. if you change one – another is updated automatically
    Neither of them affect “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property or “SPS-HideFromAddressLists” SharePoint User Profile property
  • “SPS-HideFromAddressLists” SharePoint User Profile property is not changeable.
    If you try to change the property value you get an error message:
    Set-PnPUserProfileProperty : Property Not Editable: This property can not be modified.
  • “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property is editable and synchronized to “SPS-HideFromAddressLists” SharePoint User Profile property (takes minutes)
    but then search crawler must pick this change up (takes hours) to hide/show the user
  • This solution was tested and validated for cloud-born accounts only.
  • here Microsoft says: regarding showInAddressList – Do not use in Microsoft Graph. Manage this property through the Microsoft 365 admin center instead. Represents whether the user should be included in the Outlook global address list. See Known issue.
  • Known issue (Microsoft): showInAddressList property is out of sync with Microsoft Exchange. When querying users through Microsoft Graph, the showInAddressList property may not indicate the same status shown in Microsoft Exchange. We recommend you manage this functionality directly with Microsoft Exchange through the Microsoft 365 admin center and not to use this property in Microsoft Graph.

Bottom line

Setting “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property to “false” is the most effective way to hide user account from search, but it could be changed only through API e.g. via PowerShell and Microsoft’s vision is unclear.

Video tutorial

Here is the video tutorial on the same – excluding account from people search in Microsoft 365


Testing Sites.Selected SharePoint and MS Graph API

Sites.Selected MS Graph API permissions were introduced by Microsoft in March 2021. One year later, in 2022 they added SharePoint Sites.Selected API permissions.

Azure registered app with SharePoint and MS Graph API Sites.Selected permissions

Why is this so important? Because MS Graph API for SharePoint is still limited and cannot cover all possible needs. I’d estimate: 90% of applications use SharePoint CSOM, so developers have to use AppInv.aspx to provide permissions for their applications to SharePoint API.

But from this moment – having SharePoint API permissions in MS Graph – in theory – we can fully rely on permissions provided in Azure and – in theory – this should allow us disable SharePoint-Apps only principal:

Set-SPOTenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $true

My math professor taught me: “before trying to find a solution – ensure the solution exists.” So let us test:

Are we really able to work with a specific SharePoint site using MS Graph and SharePoint API Sites.Selected permissions provided via Microsoft Azure?

What will happen with our new/legacy applications if we disable SharePoint app-only SPNs (DisableCustomAppAuthentication)?

I’m getting controversial test results… maybe PnP.PowerShell 1.10 is not fully support SharePoint Sites.Selected API.

Tech Wizard (Sukhija Vikas) on March 20, 2022 in the article “SharePoint and Graph API APP only permissions for Selected Sites” suggests using pre-release (AllowPrerelease).

So please ignore the following for a while.

Meantime I’ll test providing SharePoint Sites.Selected API permissions via Graph API call.

(wip) Test set #1: Certificate vs Secret

DisableCustomAppAuthentication: $false (SP-app-only spns are enabled).
All applications have “write” access provided to a specific site only.
Connecting with Connect-PnPOnline and then test access with Get-PnPSite

App / Get-PnPSiteSecretCertificate
ACS based (Azure+AppInv)OKThe remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
MS Graph API Sites.SelectedThe remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
SharePoint API Sites.SelectedOKOK
MS Graph API + SharePoint API Sites.SelectedAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))OK
App with no permissionsThe remote server returned an error: (403) ForbiddenThe remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

(wip) Test set #2: Sites.Selected SharePoint vs MS Graph (secret)

  • DisableCustomAppAuthentication = $false
    (SP-app-only spns are enabled).
  • All applications have “write” access provided to a specific site only.
  • Using Client Secret (not a certificate)
  • Using PnP.PowerShell
Action/ViaSharePoint + MS Graph
MS Graph
Connect-PnPOnlineWARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.
Get-PnPSiteOKOKThe remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Set-PnPSiteAttempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
Set-PnPListAttempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
New-PnPListAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

(wip) Test set #3: Read vs Write vs FullControl

DisableCustomAppAuthentication = $false
(SP-app-only spns are enabled).
All applications have Sites.Selected SharePoint and MS Graph API permissions.
Using Client Secret (not a certificate)
Using PnP.PowerShell

Connect-PnPOnlineWARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.WARNING: Connecting with Client Secret uses legacy authentication and provides limited functionality. We can for instance not execute requests towards the Microsoft Graph, which limits cmdlets related to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Flow and Microsoft 365 Groups.
Get-PnPSiteAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Get-PnPListAccess is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

(wip) Test set #5: Certificate vs Secret

C#, SharePoint CSOM, PnP.Framework


PnP.PowerShell Get-, Grant-, Set- and Revoke-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission cmdlets require Azure App with MS Graph Sites.FullControl.All app permissions (otherwise it says “Access denied”) and authentication via certificate (otherwise it says “This cmdlet does not work with a ACS based connection towards SharePoint.”)

The same actions – managing permissions for the client app to the specific site collections – could be done via Microsoft Graph Sites Permissions API using just secret-based authentication.

If an azure app does not have Sites.Selected API permissions configured – “Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission” works as expected – no error messages – the output is normal – as if Sites.Selected API permissions were configured in the app. The same for Get-, -Set and Revoke-. Permissions provided for the app to the site are not effective though: Connect-PnPOnline works well, but all other commands – starting from Get-PnPSite – returns “The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.”

If an app have no permissions to SharePoint – “Connect-PnPOnline” works ok, but “Get-PnPSite” return an error: “The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.”

Set-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission gives an error message “code”:”generalException”,”message”:”General exception while processing”
if the site is not specified.

AppInv is not working?

Error: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))


Testing environment

  • Microsoft 365 E5 Dev environment
  • PowerShell 7.2.2
  • PnP.PowerShell 1.10
  • “write” permissions to the specific sites for client apps were assigned via PnP.PowerShell

Providing Permissions to a Site for Sites.Selected App

How to provide permissions for an Azure registered application with MS Graph SharePoint Sites.Selected API permissions to a specific site via calling Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell.

We need an “admin” application – Azure registered application with with Sites.FullControl.All MS Graph API permissions. This method can use secret, so we need Client Id and Client Secret for this “admin” app.

We also need a Client Id and Application Display Name for an Azure application with Sites.Selected MS Graph and/or SharePoint API permissions provided.

And we need our “target” site Url.

With PowerShell scripts you can:

  1. Get Microsoft Graph Access Token with an “admin” app
  2. Get client (target) site Id
  3. Get current app permissions provided to client site
  4. Add read or write permissions for the client app to the client site
  5. Revoke one specific permission from site
  6. Revoke all app permissions provided to site

– please refer to the GitHub Repo Sites.Selected


Sites.Selected SharePoint API

Sites.Selected MS Graph API permissions were introduced by Microsoft in March 2021. It was a good move towards site-level access for non-interactive (daemon) applications, but still developers were limited with only what MS Graph API provides for SharePoint. SharePoint CSOM and REST API still provides much more than MS Graph API.

So developers had to use AppInv.aspx at site level to provide ACS-based permissions to their apps to be able to use SharePoint CSOM and REST APIs. The bad news is ACS-based permissions have some downsides so some SharePoint/m365/security engineers consider them legacy and deprecated. But if we decide to disable SharePoint App-only service principals – all apps with ACS-based permissions provided via AppInv.aspx will stop working.

2021: Microsoft Graph Sites.Selected API

Microsoft Graph Sites.Selected API

Recently Microsoft introduced Sites.Selected SharePoint API permissions for registered Azure Apps! So from now developers should be fully happy with API permissions provided in Azure (without SharePoint ACS-based permissions).

2022: SharePoint Sites.Selected API

SharePoint Sites.Selected API

Why is this so important? Because this should allow us to be able to switch from ACS based permissions provided in SharePoint via AppInv.aspx to Azure-provided permissions and as a consequence – disable SharePoint-Apps only principal (‘set-spotenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $true’).

Why we are eager to disable Custom App Authentication in SharePoint? Simply say, SharePoint App-only service principals are not trackable (they all appeared as a “spo_service@support.onmicrosoft.com” id in all logs) and hard to manage (there is no way to get list of existing/registered SP app-only service principals, sites and their owners) – see more in this article.

So, SharePoint Sites.Selected application API permissions provided in Azure is a significient step to make Microsoft 365 SharePoint environment more secure and manageble.

More on the Sites.Selected:


Connecting to SharePoint Online programmatically: Secret vs Certificate

Update: Sites.Selected API MS Graph permissions was introduced by Microsoft in 2021. It was a good move towards site-level development, but still developers were limited with only what MS Graph API provides for SharePoint dev.
So devs had to use AppInv.aspx at site level to provide ACS permissions to their apps to be able to use SharePoint CSOM and REST APIs.
Recently Microsoft introduced Sites.Selected SharePoint API permissions for registered Azure Apps! So now devs should be fully happy without ACS-based permissions.


You have an application that needs access to Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online site/list/documents. Application is running without interaction with users – e.g. unattended, as daemon job.

There are two options you can authenticate to Microsoft 365 – with the secret or with the certificate. Authenticating with certificate is considered more secure.


  • What happens if SharePoint-Apps only principal is disabled
    (i.e. ‘set-spotenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $true’ )?
  • Why I’m getting 401 error when authenticating to SPO?
  • Why I’m getting 403 error when authenticating to SPO with secret?
  • What permissions to I need to work with SPO?


Note: we will use PowerShell 7.2 and PnP.PowerShell 1.9 to illustrate it.

Disabled SharePoint-Apps only principal

If SharePoint-Apps only principal is disabled in your tenant
(i.e. ‘Get-PnPTenant | select DisableCustomAppAuthentication’ returns $true ), then the only way you work with SPO from code is:

  • an App registered in Azure
  • API permissions provided via Azure (MS Graph, SharePoint)
  • Certificate is used

In all other cases (even your Connect-PnPOnline command complete successfully) – you will be getting error 401 (unauthorized) when trying Get-PnPTenant or Get-PnPTenantSite or Get-PnPSite

Enabled SharePoint-Apps only principal

If SharePoint-Apps only principals are enabled in your tenant
(i.e. ‘Get-PnPTenant | select DisableCustomAppAuthentication’ returns $false ), then you have three options to work with SPO from code:

  • Azure App with a secret (Client Id + Client Secret) and permissions to SharePoint provided via SharePoint (AppInv.aspx) to access SharePoint REST API
  • Azure App with a certificate (Client Id + Certificate) and permissions provided via Azure to access SharePoint REST API
  • Azure App with a certificate or secret (Client Id + Secret or Certificate) and permissions provided via Azure to access SharePoint via Microsoft Graph API

Get list of new m365 SharePoint sites or teams with PowerShell

There are some scenarios you need to quickly get only newly created SharePoint sites, but traditional methods do not work as there is no “filter” options and it’s too long to iterate through all sites. Here is how to us Microsoft Graph API to get it.


Let say you administer Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint Online in a Microsoft 365 tenant. You have a pretty big environment – ~10k or more sites and you want to quickly find just new SharePoint sites or teams (e.g. sites created recently – during last hour/day/week/month). This might be required for ad-hoc reports and for automation scenarios – like applying required configurations or assign some property value to all newly created sites.

With GUI it’s done easily: SharePoint Admin Center -> Active Sites -> sort based on “Date Created” – done.

With PowerShell – not so simple.
“Get-PnPTenantSite” cmdlet returns a site object but the object does not have “Created” field. It’s a web property. But to get a web object – you have to connect separately to each site and get root web object to check when the web was created. For small environments it is possible, for large environments it can take days… And still not nice.
“Get-PnPTenantSite” with “-Filter” option would help, but “…Currently, you can filter by these properties: Owner, Template, LockState, Url.”

Get-SPOSite – similar experience.

Teams + Exchange modules can help a little:

Get-Team | select GroupId | % { Get-UnifiedGroup $_.GroupId | select DisplayName,WhenCreated } | sort WhenCreated

but… 1) it’ll give you group-based sites only 2) it is not easy to automate 3) this might take long for large environments. I know much better solution:


Microsoft Graph API helps. It returns result in seconds and you can sort or filter results based on created date . Below are two methods: Option 1 is based on Search and filtering and Option 2 is based on Sites Search and sorting. So there are some pros and cons for each method.

Option #1: Microsoft Graph Search API.

Entry point: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/search/query

Microsoft Graph Search API allows KQL in queries. So we can form a query with something like “created>=1/1/2021” and use entity type = ‘[“site”]’. Search should return only sites created after Jan 01, 2021.

Check PowerShell script sample here: Get-NewSites.ps1

If you are getting more than 500 results – think of paging.

Option #2: Microsoft Graph Sites API

Entry point: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites

This option is also based on Microsoft Graph API, but sites entry point, which allows search too and sort results by property “createdDateTime”. So we will just search for everything and select how many results we need based on createdDateTime property.

Check PowerShell script sample here: Get-NewSites.ps1


Video tutorial: