Category Archives: Microsoft 365

Microsoft Form Blocked due to Potential Phishing

You are seeing messages “This form can’t be distributed as it is asking for personal or sensitive information. Contact your admin for assistance. Terms of use”

This form can’t be distributed as it is asking for personal or sensitive information. Contact your admin for assistance. Terms of use


Form can no longer be accessed. This form has been flagged for potential phishing.

“Form can no longer be accessed. This form has been flagged for potential phishing. Technical details”


The reason is: Microsoft enabled automated machine reviews to proactively detect the malicious collection of sensitive data in forms and temporary block those forms from collecting responses. More about it.


Ask your tenant global or security admin to go to the Microsoft Security Administration (Defender) Alerts:

Microsoft Defender Alert Phishing Form
Microsoft Security Administration (Defender) Alerts

If your list of alerts is too big – use filter by Policy: “Form blocked due to potential phishing attempt”.

Microsoft Purview - Compliance-Alerts-Filter-By-Policy

To unblock the form or confirm it is phishing – admin should open the alert:

Microsoft Defender Alert Phishing Review this Form

And then click “Review this form“.
“Review the form” opens the page “”
where is the form Id.

Then global/security admin can review the form and unblock it or confirm it is phishing:

m365 global/security admin can review the form and unblock it or confirm it is phishing


Update Large Number of SharePoint Sites with PowerShell Parallel


Here I’m trying to figure out – how much PowerShell Parallel option is beneficial and how to avoid throttling…

Let us test, how long would it take to create a SharePoint site, if we use regular (sequential) loop or parallelism (I’m creation a sample set of 50 SharePoint Sites in a row):

seconds per site
100 sites in batch
seconds per site
500 sites in batch
seconds per site
Regular (Sequential)3.0
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 21.600.91
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 50.69
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 100.2 – 0.3
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 200.17

Interesting, but I did not get even one (throttling or any other) error during creation 500 sites.

Get sites details

Now let us test, how long it takes to get sites details with Get-PnPTenantSite (I use a sample set of 500 sites):

Test typeRegular
seconds per site
sample = 100 sites,
seconds per site
sample = 200 sites,
seconds per site
sample = 500 sites,
seconds per site
Regular (Sequential)0.65
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 20.400.330.31
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = (errors)
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 100.11 (errors)0.11 (errors)0.34 (errors)
Parallel,  ThrottleLimit = 200.12 errors+0.07 errors+0.52 (errors)

(errors) means there were small number of errors during test… e.g.

Microsoft 365 ownerless groups policy email message body format and content

When you are creating or updating “Microsoft 365 ownerless groups policy” – you can customize email template subject and message body.

Here is how out-of-the-box email message looks like for admin:

Here is how out-of-the-box email message looks like for user:

You can customize subject, message body and link in the footer.
You can use variables: $User.DisplayName to insert the user’s name and $Group.Name to insert the name of the group.

Message body size is limited to 1040 symbols, so not much you can put there. Which means you’ll probably need to share the link to some page in SharePoint where you can provide users more information – explain everything – why it is happening and what are the actions need to be done with screenshots etc. So you’d need a link here – clearly visible in the e-mail body (OotB “Policy guideline Url” appears at the end of the email barely visible).

You’d also emphasize some elements of the message… but how?
It seems like e-mail template does not support HTML tags… and there is no WYSIWYG experience.

Here is what I found out: although policy e-mail template does not support markup, you still can use some tricks as long as e-mail client understands it. Specifically, you can use GitHub-style formatting as described here.

In my experience – both – outlook web-client and outlook desktop app interpret GitHub-wiki-style markup well. I.e. you can use headers, bold/italic text, lists/bullets, links and images.

Here is admin editing e-mail experience:

Here is user e-mail experience:


[Link Text](Url) - will look like a link
# will look like a header #
Please refer to a GitHub formatting syntax for a full syntax

N.B. if you forward the message – you might loose formatting.

You might want use Microsoft’s “My groups” page, or “Groups I own” and “Groups I am in” pages.

Example of e-mail subject:

Subject: $Group.Name group needs a new owner

Example of e-mail template:

Hi $User.DisplayName, 

This group currently does not have an owner:
## $Group.Name
You're receiving this email because you've been an active member of the group.  

Per organization's policy, the group requires an owner. **Ownerless groups are subject for deletion.**
For more details - please refer to ["Organization's ownerless resources policy"]( 
Please accept or decline this before ...


Microsoft 365 People Search by Nickname and Full Name


Nickname (or alias or moniker or hypocorism etc.) is some another name – usually shorter than original name and widely used in maybe all countries in the world. E.g. Bob is a nickname for Robert in the US and GB, Checo is the other name for Sergio in Mexico. There might be personal names also – e.g. Bapu (father) is an word that is usually associated with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as the Mahatma Gandhi. More examples: David “Noodles” Aaronson, Roger Keith “Syd” Barrett etc.

In Microsoft 365 we want to search for a person’s name we know – and in many cases it’s a nickname – e.g. Beth (Bethany) or Alex (Alexander). Can m365 search do that?

Unfortunately, not… At least at 19:38 on 2023-03-30
… though please check Microsoft 365 Search: built-in people search by nickname.


It takes a few steps to implement search by nickname:

  • create a custom property under SharePoint Online User Profiles service
  • fill this property with values
  • configure Search Schema – map crawled property to managed property


Create a custom property under SharePoint Online User Profiles service

  • Ensure you have a SharePoint Administrator role activated
  • Navigate to SharePoint Admin Center – more features – User Profiles – Manage user properties – New Property
  • Configure custom property according to your needs,
    – ensure “Policy Settings” “Default Privacy Setting:” Everyone is selected
    – ensure “Search Settings” “Indexed” is selected

Fill SharePoint Online User Profile Properties with values

That would be a custom solution – e.g. manual work from SPO Admin Center GUI or PowerShell script ( e.g. with some dictionary). This is required for search to pick it up, crawl the property and create crawled property – so you could proceed with search schema mapping.

Configure Search Schema – map crawled property to managed property

For the nickname to be generally available in full-text-search – i.e.
user simply enter value in a search bar and gets results – here are the steps:

  • Ensure you have a SharePoint Administrator role activated
  • Navigate to SharePoint Admin Center – More features – Search – Manage Search Schema
  • Select Crawled Properties and ensure search picked up your custom property and crawled it – check your crawled property name under Category: People.
  • Under Managed Properties – create a new managed property
    • select “Searchable”
    • under Advanced searchable settings – select Full-text index: PeopleIdx
  • map this managed property to crawled property



Microsoft 365 Search Vertical KQL query field limits

What is the Microsoft Search KQL query field limits for a verticals? Is there limited number of characters or lines?

You know what is Microsoft 365 Search Vertical and what is KQL query in vertical configuration, right?

Microsoft 365 Search Vertical KQL query field limits

Under Microsoft 365 admin center Search and intelligence you can configure search verticals. There are some out-of-the-box verticals – like All, Files, Sites, People and you can configure custom one.

As a part of vertical configuration – you can specify KQL query – if you want e.g. limit search with some sites or content types etc.

The question is – how many sites I can specify in this query field? E.g. can I specify 1000 sites? 10k sites?

And the answer is: It does not matter, because the limit is not in number of characters or lines.

In my dev environment I was able to save 50,000 lines (~3M characters). But attempt to save 100K lines (6M symbols) has failed (due to timeout, I believe:

Again, as I said the problem is not here.

The problem is time required for search to apply query. I.e. when you ask search to bring you something – after it gets results from index and before display results to you it applies KQL query configured for the vertical. And this time is the bottleneck.

Here is what I got measuring search response time depending on query size:

Searchresponse time,
KQL query
# of lines
KQL query size,
# of symbols
(can’t save KQL query
(can’t save KQL query)

Which means that after ~ 1000 lines (50,000 characters) KQL query size – query becomes too slow, and after ~3000 lines (180k chars) – can fail (due to timeout I’d say).


If your sites are organized in hierarchy under Hub site – you can use DepartmentId managed property to significantly decrease number of lines in query,
as you can cover all sites under the hub with


Adaptive scopes Retention Policies Data Lifecycle Purview

Microsoft recently implemented “Adaptive” retention policies. At step 2 of “Create retention policy” you’ll be asked “Choose the type of retention policy to create”: “A policy can be adaptive or static. Advantage of an adaptive policy will automatically update where it’s applied based on attributes or properties you’ll define. A static policy is applied to content in a fixed set of locations and must be manually updated if those locations change.”

And if you selected “Adaptive” – on the next step you will need to provide the adaptive scope (so at this moment you should already have created your adaptive scopes):

So, let us create your adaptive scopes.
What type of scope do you want to create? SharePoint sites…

And then you’ll have nothing more then set of conditions:

where you can use objects: “Site Url”, “Site Name” and “Refinable String 0″..”Refinable String 99”. Conditions would be “is equal to”, “is not equal to”, “starts with” and “not starts with”. Or you can select “Advanced query builder” and enter KQL query.

Advanced query builder for SharePoint Adaptive Scope

External Access Guest Access Microsoft 365 SharePoint Teams

I will be saving my personal gotchas on Microsoft 365 External Access and Guest Access in SharePoint and Teams

We configure external/guest access in AAD, m365 Admin Center, Teams Admin Center, SharePoint Admin Center, specific Group, Team or SharePoint site.

We can configure external guest access directly, or can configure sensitivity labels and policies in Purview (Compliance Admin Center). Configuring sensitivity labels for sites/groups we configure external guest access settings. Configuring sensitivity labels policies we apply labels.

External access via “All Users” group

Be careful with “All users” group created as part of the process.
Microsoft: “The dedicated All Users group includes all users in the directory, including guests and external users.” And indeed, “All Users” group by default include external users.

So here is the scenario: we have a site where external sharing is enabled, and someone is sharing a specific file1 or folder1 with some external users. The other site/group member is sharing another file2/folder2 with “All Users” assuming All Users means all this group member. This gives external users access to file2/folder2.


Option 0: remove “All Users” group

Option 1: exclude External users or Guest users from “All Users” group:

(user.userPrincipalName -notContains "#EXT#@")
(user.userType -ne "Guest")

(explained here).

Option 2: schedule a job that removes “All Users” from all sites UIL. Optionally inform site owners not to use “All Users” but use “Everyone except external users”.