Find Old Content on Your OneDrive or SharePoint Site

Below I’m sharing how to find old or outdated content in SharePoint, Teams or OneDrive site. Specifically, files or documents that are older than some certain date. Why you might need that? For example – to delete content to save space or opposite – to avoid content deletion as a result of retention policies in action (* see below for details).

Search in SharePoint with query parameters (GUI)

At any level of your site hierarchy – root level, library, folder etc. – you can refine your search results specifying properties values, e.g. document author or document created date or document last modified date. For last modified date the property is “LastModifiedTime”, e.g. here I’m in the SharePoint site document library:

If I put in search box query “LastModifiedTime<2023-07-15” I’ll get only documents older than July 15 2023:

There is property “LastModifiedTime”, and there is also property “LastModifiedTimeForRetention” you can use to detect documents your retention policy works against.

When you issue query with just “LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2023-06-15” you get as results all kind of SharePoint content – including pages, libraries, folders etc. If your concern is to avoid specific documents deletion as a result of retention policy – you’d probably be interested in finding documents only and do not want folders (as retention policy applies to all files in all document libraries), e.g.

  • If you need only Microsoft Word documents older than some specific date (e.g. June 15, 2021), you might use query: “*.docx LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-06-15”
  • For Microsoft Word and Excel documents older than June 15, 2021 – you’ might ‘d use query: “(*.docx OR *.xlsx) LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-06-15”

If you need only Microsoft Word documents authored by some specific User and older than some specific date, you might use query:
“*.docx author:Patti LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-01-01”

Search in Teams

You can successfully use refinements to search for the same in Teams. But you’d select “Files” tab for better experience:

Microsoft is constantly updating this product, so your experience might be different. Note also that when you search in teams – you search through all sites you have access to.

Search for old documents in OneDrive

You can use the same technique – putting “LastModifiedTime<2023-07-15” in search bar in OneDrive. In some ways it’s even better, as you can

  • search for files in all sites (not only your personal OD site)
  • select multiple file types you are interested in

Search with Graph API

The same query you can use to search content with Microsoft Graph API. Here is the code example:

$query = "LastModifiedTimeForRetention<2021-01-01"
$apiUrl = ""
$body = @"
  "requests": [
      "entityTypes": [
      "query": {
        "queryString": "$query"

$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri $apiUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

(*) Retention policy

If an organization is mature enough – it has data lifecycle policies established. If so – these polices must be applied to information stored in Microsoft 365 via retention policies. Retention policies are configured under Compliance center, but in particular applied to documents stored in SharePoint and OneDrive. Policies might dictate to retain documents or delete documents. Let say your organization is implementing retention policy that is configured to delete documents if 5 years passed after the file was last modified. That literally means all your files modified more than 5 years ago will be deleted and you will not even notice it. So – what if you want to know – which documents in your OneDrive or SharePoint site are older than 5 years?

Note: if your content was migrated from previous SharePoint versions (e.g. your old SharePoint on-prem farm) using migration tools – it’s last modified date is most likely was preserved (for instance, if your 5-years old doc was migrated 1 month ago – it last modified date would be 5 years ago). So if you are going to migrate your existing on-prem SharePoint to Microsoft 365 site and there are retention policies implemented in m365 – your content might be deleted right after migration.

Video tutorial

How to fetch all SharePoint documents older than some amount of time:


Microsoft Forms Troubleshooting

So far some findings I came up with after several Microsoft forms troubleshooting sessions… I’ll keep all the gotchas here as “how to” guide for myself. I’d be glad if this also helps you troubleshoot your Microsoft forms.

Microsoft forms links

You know, a user can create a Microsoft form. Then user can share it. There are two kind of links –

  • to respond
  • to edit/view/export results

Link to respond is kind of :
or short one:

Link “to collaborate” -e.g. with the link a person can edit and view results – is created under … “Create or duplicate”, and could be for anyone, for all people in org, and for specific people in org

if the link looks like
then it’s for specific people in org

if the link looks the same but also contains
then it’s for anyone with work or school account or for anyone in the organization

The one with the “edit” link can edit the form (including questions, answers options, and form visibility , view responses, delete responses, create a “summary link”, create a duplicate link, and export responses to excel (“Open in Excel” button). But cannot change collaboration options.

When user complete the form (after submit button), there is an option “Save my response” – if so – user will see this for with only one (his/her) response under forms app.

Collaborator is not seeing the form he/she has access to until follow the link.

Move the form to a group

Form owner can move the form to a group (and this is strictly recommended for all production forms). If so:

  1. people who are group members (not only owners) will see this form under forms app – under specific group
  2. form id will be changed, so the long “respond” link will be different. Though the short link will be the same. All links should continue to work: Old and New long and short respond links. Group-owned form id seemed to me be little longer – 88 characters vs 80 chars for individual-owned forms.

The trick Tomasz Szypula @toszypul shared here (I’m also citing the trick below) on how to find form owner having just a link works like a charm! Even for deleted owner`s IDs.

But let me share some more here. If the form is owned by group – the link will be similar, but with “/group/<groupId>” instead of “/user/<UserId>” .
E.g. here:

you can see “65714e55-87f4-49c3-b790-fc75d7349c8a” which is group Id. So you can use the same trick to figure out what group owns a form.

Deleting user who owns forms

What if the original owner of a form is no longer with a company? How can I transfer ownership of the form?

If the employee account was deleted or disabled, the global administrator or office application administrator of the organization who have a valid Forms license can transfer for ownership within 30 days of when an account was disabled/deleted. See details. Note that all forms user owned will be transferred to an admin, then an admin can transfer forms to a group so new owners can have access to answers etc.

Deleting a group that owns forms

When a form is owned by group and the group is getting deleted… tbp…

Audit log events

You can get some ideas on the form from an audit log, including

  • is the form owned by group or by user
  • to whom the form was shared with collaborator link

Below are kinds of events related to Microsoft 365 forms:

  • ListForms – Listed forms – viewed forms home page with list of forms
  • ViewForm – Viewed Form –
  • ViewRuntimeForm – Viewed response page
  • ViewResponses- Viewed responses
  • CreateResponse – Created response
  • ExportForm – Exported form – “export to excel” – file saved to the local machine (form owner=user)
  • ConnectToExcelWorkbook – Connected To Excel Workbook – “export to excel” – file saved to the teams SharePoint site under Documents (form owner = group)
  • EnableSameOrgCollaboration –

How to find Microsoft forms form owner

(credit goes to Tomasz Szypula @toszypul )

toszypul   replied to  Jason_B1025
‎Jan 03 2022 03:17 AM - edited ‎Jan 03 2022 03:18 AM 

@Jason_B1025 I was able to get the ID of the user with a bit of a hack. Here are sample steps:

-Access the form using this designer direct URL<YourFormID>

-Inspect the network traces. You will find a request similar to this'v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR1ccNeVH0Y5Bias6PVDCNbZUOUg4TkZJUEswSVQ1ODhNNkpHVVlMMldPTi4u')?$select=id,... 

-The ID in bold is the AAD ID of the user
-Use Graph Explorer - Microsoft Graph to run this request to retrieve the username and email address of the owner<UserID>

My 3×5 cents to this clever trick:

  • Not only “collaborator” link helps, but also “respond to”
  • If the form is owned by the group – the link would be similar but with “…/group/group_id/…” instead of “…/user/user_id/…”
  • If you have a SSO in your org and cannot find this call under network – try different browser or incognito mode or logging out before the call – as what you need appears at early stages – even before authentication

How do I know – is it a person-owned or group-owned form

Let say you got a claim that “we were able to work with the form, and now it is gone”, and the only you have is the “collaborators” link to the form – so you can edit form, view responses etc. but nobody knows who created that form… So how to determine who owns the form – person or group and what person/group.

The form is owned by a person if

  • form id is 80 characters length
  • on “Export to Excel” button – it saves/downloads excel file to the file system
  • audit log contains ExportForm (Exported form) event – as clicking “Export to Excel” button generates ExportForm (Exported form) event
  • network trace contains “<tenantId>/users/<UserId>/…”

The form is owned by a group if

  • form id is 88 characters length
  • on “Export to Excel” button – it saves excel file to the team SharePoint site and opens it in browser
  • clicking “Export to Excel” button generates ConnectToExcelWorkbook – “Connected To Excel Workbook” event in the audit log
  • network trace contains “<tenantId>/groups/<GroupId>/…”


See also:
Form blocked due to potential phishing

Ownerless groups and dependent channels

Here is the scenario:

There is a team (including SharePoint site) under Microsoft Teams. There are multiple channels under this team with types:
– standard channel
– shared channel
– private channel

A single group owner (team owner) leaves company and the team (group) becomes ownerless. Question: what will happen with private and shared channels?

A group (team) gets a new owner. Question: what will happen with private and shared channels?

“Microsoft Teams – Teams And Channels Service made you an owner of a channel”


Archiving SharePoint Sites

What is archiving SharePoint sites and why we’d need it?

Disclaimer: Archival that was announced at Microsoft Inspire 2023 (Introducing Microsoft 365 Backup and Microsoft 365 Archive) is not what we are discussing here.
Though it might be considered as an option (as archived sites are still visible for admins but not visible for users), MS SharePoint Archive require additional licensing.


You are in the process of cleaning-up large Microsoft 365 environment. You need to delete SharePoint sites (e.g. due to inactivity) but you cannot get confirmation from site owners (e.g. sites or groups are ownerless).

Deleted sites could be restored within 93 days of deletion if somebody rise a hand, but there is still a risk of possible loosing of important information, e.g. in case site is needed one a year. So you need to do clean-up but at the same time you want to decrease risks of loosing information.

So, you might want to do something with sites to engage users to volunteer to be site owner if they want to keep this site – e.g. prevents using the site the regular way and let users know that the site will be deleted etc., but do not actually delete site until it will be fully clear that site is not needed for anyone and can be safely deleted.

Let us call it “Staging” period. Depending on your org culture/rules/licensing etc. it might be 6 months, or 1 year or 5 years or more.

Approach options

generally, the options are (random order):

  • Set site to Read-Only mode
  • Set site to No-Access mode
  • Convert group from Public to Private
  • Remove access to the site (remove users from group)
  • Rename the site
  • Put a banner on a top bar with a message
  • Message to Teams or Yammer chat
  • Send e-mail to site members
  • Implement a Microsoft 365 ownerless groups policy

You might choose to set sites to read-only mode or even no-access mode. If so – users that are still need this site are loosing ability to work with site, but site is not deleted. Consider archiving as kind of scream-test phase before actual sites deletion.

If a user who needs this site would scream (rise a ticket to restore site) – you can trigger processes of
a) finding new owner for the site
b) excluding the site from clean-up process
c) actual restoring site to normal mode

There are some options to setup a site to Read-Only or NoAccess mode. Here is the PowerShell command:

$siteurl = ""
Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl   | ft -a Url, LockState
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl -LockState ReadOnly
Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl   | ft -a Url, LockState
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl -LockState NoAccess
Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl   | ft -a Url, LockState
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $siteurl -LockState Unlock

The problem is what if the site is teams-connected or yammer-connected or just group-based. Here are some test results:

Services SharePoint site is connected to/Site StateRead-OnlyNoAccess
Outlook onlyN/AN/A
SharePoint and OutlookOutlook emails: OK
Outlook files: read-only experience; No options to upload or create document; Documents are open in read-only mode. “The file couldn`t be saved to group” error message when trying to save file to a group library.
Outlook emails: OK
Outlook files: empty screen; No error messages; Documents are not visible; “The file couldn`t be saved to group” error message when trying to save file to a group library.
SharePoint and Yammer
SharePoint, Teams and OutlookTeams chats: OK
Teams files: documents are open as read-only; No options to upload or create a new document
SharePoint: “This site is read-only at the administrator’s request.”
Teams chats: OK
Teams files: “403 FORBIDDEN” error message
SharePoint: “
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

So you can see – behavior is inconsistent – users can still chat in Teams and Yammer and consume SharePoint content (in case the site in read-only) or get error messages or not very meaningful results (in case the site is in NoAccess mode) – so it would be not clear for users that the site is gong to be decommissioned.

to be continued…

(WIP – Work in progress)

Ownerless groups in Microsoft 365

I have multiple publications on the subject – how to manage ownerless groups in Microsoft 365:

And 9 videos :

Here is the Introduction video and content covered in next videos:

Ownerless group policy configuration failed

If you are seeing “Ownerless group policy configuration failed” and “Please try again.” error message:

there might be some different reasons:

  1. Microsoft said it is (was) a know problem – it happens sometimes (timeout?), if you configured the policy properly and have enough permissions.
    So just go back one step and try again – all should be good.
  2. Sometimes “Ownerless group policy configuration failed. Failure in configuring ownerless groups policy” is a permissions issue
    SharePoint admin, Teams admin: cannot configure Ownerless Groups Policy
    Global admin: yes, can configure Ownerless Microsoft 365 Groups Policy.
    What is the minimum role required?
    According to a recent update of the Microsoft’s article – “A Global administrator can create a policy…”. In my experience – groups admin can also configure the policy

Note: Groups admin when configuring the policy can see warning message “You don’t have permissions to save changes”.
No worries 🙂 => You will be able to save changes 🙂

Video tutorial on the policy configuration (at around 5:00 you can see this error message):

MS Graph usage reports: Site vs Team vs Group activity

Microsoft Graph provides very useful reports via MS graph reports API:

  • getOffice365GroupsActivityDetail – details about Microsoft 365 groups and activity
  • getSharePointSiteUsageDetail – details about SharePoint sites and usage
  • getTeamsTeamActivityDetail – details about Microsoft Teams and activity by teams

Also we know, that Teams sites are group-based, and you can have private and shared channels under Teams – but these sites are not actually group-based and there are group-based SharePoint sites with no Teams behind.

And activities might be different – update document or just visit home page, provide permissions and update channel properties etc.

So the question is what kind of activity at what level is recorded at which report?


How to create an old document in SharePoint

Sometimes, mostly during PoC or testing policies like retention policy or lifecycle policy you would need some documents created and updated weeks, months or even years ago.

But if you create or upload a document in SharePoint library – it will be just a regular new document. So, how to get old documents in the new environment?

I see two options:

  1. Sync with OneDrive
    If you sync a library with your local folder (done Microsoft by OneDrive desktop app) and put some old document in your synced folder – the doc will be synchronized back to SharePoint library with Created and Modified properties preserved.
  2. Make the document older with PowerShell
    With “Set-PnPListItem” PowerShell command you can update not only such properties like Title, but also “Created By”, “Modified By” and even date and time document was created and modified via “Created” and “Modified”.
    Optionally you can play with document history with “-UpdateType” parameter.
    UpdateType possible values are:
    • Update: Sets field values and creates a new version if versioning is enabled for the list
    • SystemUpdate: Sets field values and does not create a new version. Any events on the list will trigger.
    • UpdateOverwriteVersion: Sets field values and does not create a new version. No events on the list will trigger