Tag Archives: Birding

Ural Owl

Ural Owl – Strix uralensis (Pallas, 1771) Description The Great Grey Owl is a large, grey owl with numerous dark and light streaks, mostly longitudinal. It lacks “ears.” It differs from the Tawny Owl by its larger size, long tail (extending well beyond the tips of folded wings), and absence of a transverse wavy pattern […]

Site “Birds of Kazakhstan” has moved

One of my favorite sites – “Birds of Kazakhstan” (btw – site I support, to the best of my ability) has migrated again… The new Url is: https://kz.birding.day/ So, please welcome new “Birds of Kazakhstan” site. Meantime, at the moment, the site hosted 100+ members, who created 2400+ blog posts, uploaded 250K pictures of 500 […]

LAMP project migration

I have been involved in a birdwatching community web project for a long time. At the moment it has 250k pictures, 2500 blog posts from community members. The site is a custom development – written by Askar Issabekov with php and MySQL and hosted under Dreamhost dedicated server. Initially the migration plan was Some more […]

Домовый сыч Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) Little Owl | Байғыз © İhsan Eroğlu

Смешные названия птиц

Названия птиц, которые выглядят смешно если их применить к человеку Домовый сыч Человек, ведущий одинокий образ жизни и редко выходящий из дома Сплюшка обыкновенная – Неработающая жена Черноголовый хохотун – Весёлый брюнет Хохлатая чернеть даже не знаю что сказать… наверное непричёсаный трубочист… Каменка-плясунья – хорошо умеющая танцевать девушка из посёлка Каменка Белобровик – тут всё […]