Azure Data Factory: connecting to SharePoint with a Certificate
For a long time Azure Data Factory did not support modern authentication and we had to provide legacy ACS permissions for Microsoft Azure Data Factory to connect to SharePoint. That’s not the case anymore. Finally Microsoft updated authentication page so Azure Data Factory v2 (ADF V2) supports authentication via app registration with Sites.Selected API permissions, providing Client Id and Certificate. Below are steps to configure ADF v2 connection to SharePoint with a Certificate.
That is how authentication part looks like:

The steps would be
- Obtain a certificate
- Get a service principal (Register your app in Entra Id )
- Upload the certificate to the app registration
- Provide access for the app id (client id) to your SharePoint site
- Configure linked service in ADF
Detailed Step-by-Step guide ADF connect to SharePoint with a Certificate
1. Obtain a certificate
There are no special technical requirements for a Certificate. Since this is about trust between two parties and you own both – the certificate can be self-signed (e.g. generated with PowerShell as described here). But some organizations still require all certificates used in an org to be trusted by org CA.
2. Register app in Azure to get a service principal
To get a service principal – Client ID (app id) – your must create a so-called “App registration” in Entra Id (Azure AD). Specific requirements: app should have both – Microsoft Graph API and SharePoint API Sites.Selected permissions configured and consented. The process is described, e.g. here.
3. Upload the certificate to the app registration
Under Secrets and Certificates section of you App Registration – select Certificates tab and upload your certificate.
4. Provide access for the app id (client id) to your SharePoint site
This is something only your admins can do. Having Microsoft Graph API and SharePoint API Sites.Selected permissions configured and consented does not mean you automatically have access to SharePoint. Sites.Selected API permissions presence means you are allowed to get access specific SharePoint sites, but what are these sites and what kind of access?
So you’d request your SharePoint tenant admins to provide access (e.g. read-only or read-write or full control) for your App Id (client id) to specific SharePoint site Urls.
If you are an admin – check this.
5. Configure linked service in ADF
The last step is to configure your Data Factory connection to SharePoint list using service principal and certificate you got earlier with steps 1-4.
Working with SharePoint from Python code via Graph API
Python code samples published by Microsoft at the Microsoft Graph API reference pages use GraphServiceClient module. But you also can use just requests module and call Microsoft graph API directly, using requests.post or requests.get methods. Here I’m sharing my Python code samples.
Azure ACS retirement: How to prepare your tenant – Guide for SharePoint Admins
Microsoft announced EOL of ACS, and we as SharePoint administrators must take actions. ACS retirement as is a really big deal – entire era of SharePoint app-only service principals will be gone. SharePoint developers used ACS apps since 2013 to build solutions, and when it comes to software development – it always takes time. Imaging the code that was designed for ACS now needs to be reviewed and re-written to adopt changes, then re-compiled, re-tested, re-deployed etc. So it is critical that we should take measures now to avoid bigger issues in April 2026.
Recommended transition tactics: for developers
- Get a new App Registration in Azure (Entra Id) with Sites.Selected permissions, ensure no ACS permissions provided to the app (see details on Sites.Selected) and use it
- Prioritize using Microsoft Graph API
- If Graph API does not provide required functionality – it’s ok to use SharePoint API, but keep in mind in this case certificate should be used (not secret) for authentication
Recommended transition tactics: for SharePoint admins
High-level recommended steps are:
- Keep saving audit logs
- Encourage users and developers to register applications in Azure (not in SharePoint)
- Start providing Sites.Selected permissions
- Disable ability for site owners to use AppRegNew and AppInv
Stop registering service principals via AppRegNew and providing ACS permissions via AppInv - Pull report on existing Apps that use ACS permissions
- Notify developers and users of the ACS apps
- Switch ACS off earlier than Microsoft
Thinkin on devs – keep in mind:
– ACS apps have a huge legacy – tons of articles and code examples and so on…
– Switching to a modern authentication method would require changes in code (though minor, but still), so developers must be engaged
– Any change in code would require another round of code compilation, testing, deploying etc.
That means it is not easy (sometimes it is not even possible) to adopt a new modern authentication method. It requires efforts and time, so you need to notify dev as earlier as possible. So it is crucial to complete steps above and start communicating to users as earlier as possible.
Detailed steps for SharePoint administrators:
Keep audit logs
This should be done in advance, but if you did not – starting today and until it’s over you’d get audit logs from Microsoft 365 purview center – consider selecting all events with record type SharePointAppPermissionOperation. Also might be helpful to keep events anyone visited appinv.aspx or appregnew.aspx page. Pull logs now starting with earliest available event (usually 90 days). Some audit logs are available only through Microsoft Graph API. See more details regarding audit logs for ACS tracking KBA.
Encourage users registering applications in Azure (not in SharePoint)
Creating App Registrations in Azure is usually not what SharePoint admins do. Sometimes users are allowed to register apps, sometimes it is blocked for a regular user and done by identity management (or so) but the main idea – users and developers should be able to get service principals (App Registrations) in Azure. Users would need Sites.Selected permissions consented (see more about Sites.Selected) or granular permissions consented (more on granular permissions to SharePoint).
Some pro’s of App Registered in Entra Id (vs SharePoint App-only service principals):
– It supports authentication with client secret and/or certificate, custom expiration time
– It supports both APIs – Microsoft Graph API and classic SharePoint REST API
Be prepared to instruct users how to get and use certificates in their app registrations.
Provide Sites.Selected permissions
99% of requests for application permissions to SharePoint would require access to a specific site (sites), or to a specific list/library/folder/file (but not to entire tenant). So consider providing Sites.Selected permissions by default (or granular permissions when they are in GA). Create a process so users can request permissions to SharePoint sites for their Azure-Registered Apps. Consider automation if you are a large company (here is one of the possible Sites.Selected automation solutions).
Inform user that ACS is deprecated and you do not provide any new ACS permissions.
Disable registering new service principals in SharePoint
Once you are good in providing non-ACS permissions, it’s time to disable registering service principals in SharePoint. Users should not be able to get a new SharePoint App-only service principals (apps that they used to get from SharePoint sites just going to AppRegNew.aspx).
Disable ability for site owners register service principals in SharePoint via appregnew.aspx is done via Set-SPOTenant PowerShell cmdlet:
Set-SPOTenant -SiteOwnerManageLegacyServicePrincipalEnabled
When the value is set to false, the service principal can only be created or updated by the SharePoint tenant admin. Using AppInv.aspx page will also be disabled for site owners. Your users will start seeing “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins…” message (see details), but that’s ok.
There might be rare cases when your in-house solutions or 3-rd party apps got their secrets expired and would require new legacy ACS-based permissions, it is tempting to allow ACS permissions as an exception (as technically it is possible for SharePoint service admin to provide ACS-based access to sites), but I would strictly discourage you to do so. If you decide to provide ACS – track this activity (so you know for whom this ACS-based permissions were provided).
Pull report on existing ACS Apps that use ACS permissions
You need to know who are your vulnerable clients – you should pull reports to get a list of existing Apps that use ACS permissions, apps owners, maybe sites these apps have access to and sites owners
You can get list of developers combining
– audit log data from Admin Center and Graph API
– report from Entra Id on apps and owners
– report from SharePoint sites on permissions provided for apps
– reports generated by PnP Microsoft 365 assessment tool
Here is the detailed KBA on how to get reports on legacy ACS service principals usage in tenant
Consider the following steps to get ACS apps owners
- get ACS apps with permissions using Microsoft 365 assessment tool
- pull these apps owners from Entra Id
- using Graph API audit logs data – mark apps active/inactive based on date of the latest login
Notify developers and users of the ACS apps
From the step above we can have a lost of legacy ACS apps and their owners, as well as apps activity (last login), so we can start communicating developers (app owners):
- As earlier as possible – e.g. in March-April 2025 (1 year before ACS EOL), notify all apps owners that they need to transition to Azure apps and Selected permissions
- Get ACS apps activity and repeat communication, including active app owners
- Get ACS apps activity and repeat communication, including owners of sites apps still have access to
- Communicate to all apps owners that there will be a temporary and permanent shut down of ACS (see below)
- I case you have ACS apps with tenant-level permissions – communicate to them separately
Switch ACS off earlier than Microsoft
You need to plan actual ACS apps disablement in tenant in advance – earlier than Microsoft will do it (in case Microsoft will not put it off). Also consider temporary switch off ACS (“scream test”) even earlier, let say, starting September 2025.
Temporary and permanent ACS disablements before official ACS EOL are needed as scream tests – in case there are users who ignored all communications and still use ACS apps. Disabling ACS early may cause problems with existing applications, but it is necessary to avoid more serious consequences when the time comes for Microsoft to turn it off. So be prepared to handle tickets and communicate to apps owners in advance.
This might be your draft plan:
- schedule the first and 2nd temporary (e.g. during 1 hour) ACS apps disablement ~ 6 and 5 months before EOL
- schedule the 3rd and 4th temporary (e.g. during 24 hours) ACS apps disablement ~ 4 and 3 months before EOL
- schedule the full (permanent) ACS apps disablement ~ 2 months before EOL
Using metadata to refine your SharePoint search
Though search in Microsoft 365 SharePoint is good out-of-the box and you can do a full-text search and refine your results by “File type” and “Last modified”, but what if you want your content be tagged with your custom metadata (e.g. “Article category”), and you want to be able to refine your search results based on this metadata? I’d say it is possible and I’ll provide the solution below. The solution includes working with site term store (creating terms, term groups, term sets), configuring list/library columns and updating site search schema (mapping crawled properties to managed properties).
See also:
PowerShell Script for Files Deduplication
If you think you have a lot of duplicated files that consumes your hard drive storage space, this article is for you. Personally, I have a lot of video and pictures on my working hard drive and on a backup HDD. While working with photos and videos I can rename files, copy or move them from folders to folders. As a result, I end up with gigabytes and terabytes occupied with duplicated files. So I need a tool to a) find duplicated files and b) remove duplications. I tried to find good scripts but somehow I was not happy with what I found, so I wrote scripts myself.
Surely you can buy/try a 3-rd party toot with GUI, but if you are comfortable with PowerShell – consider the following.
- PowerShell scrips at GitHub (use on your own risk)
Birds of Eurasia Best Pictures
There is a new site – Birds of Eurasia Best Pictures – with a lot of good pictures of birds from all of the Eurasian continent. It does not seem that pictures are professional, sooner shots are made by amature birdwatchers, but some pictures are really nice.
Pictures are updated around weekly. Here is an example:
Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

Shoot in Mongolia by Oleg Belyalov
Another great picture:

Collared Pratincole by Philippe Campeau, Kyrgyzstan
Invention for Life (Infrared Quadrant Detectors for Traffic Safety)
I found an interesting site – it looks like they have highly qualified physicists and inventors. Here is one of their inventions – “Traffic Safety with Infrared Quadrant Detectors“…
Invention high-level description:
And they are looking for investors.