Tag Archives: Search

Search m365 SharePoint and Teams content programmatically via MS Graph API

In the articles below I’m sharing my techniques on searching in Microsoft 365 SharePoint and Teams from application using Microsoft Graph API. Specifically I’m covering In two flavors: Index of my articles on the subject: Video tutorials

Search through Microsoft 365 SharePoint from code

Below is how do I search Microsoft 365 content programmatically from PowerShell using MS Graph API, PowerShell PnP, Microsoft Graph module, MSAL library being authenticated as user or daemon application. Let me focus on SharePoint content here but you can use the same technique to search through other Microsoft 365 services. Also, I’ll be using […]

Microsoft 365 Search: built-in people search by nickname

Did Microsoft silently implement nickname search? E.g. I have created a user “Robert Dylan” and never used name “Bob”, but search understands that I’m looking for Robert Dylan when I’m searching for Bob or Bob Dylan or Bobby. Important thing – result is shown under “All” and “People” verticals. I know Microsoft claimed m365 search […]

Using Path property in Microsoft 365 Search Query

Using Path property in Microsoft 365 Search Query was kind of ambiguous. But now Microsoft implemented update and clarified some details. So below are some tips and tricks on filtering by site Url (path) in query field in Microsoft 365 Search verticals. Path filter with trailing slash (“/”) In November 2022 Microsoft rolled out an […]

Microsoft 365 Retention Policies SharePoint Adaptive Scopes Advanced Query

Basic query is available as GUI: where you can use objects: “Site Url”, “Site Name” and “Refinable String 0″..”Refinable String 99”. Conditions would be “is equal to”, “is not equal to”, “starts with” and “not starts with”. Or you can select “Advanced query builder” and enter KQL query. Advanced query builder Advanced query builder allows […]

PowerShell scripts for Microsoft 365 SharePoint

After many years working with SharePoint I wrote a lot of PowerShell scripts that help me support, troubleshoot, administer and secure SharePoint. So I’m sharing my scripts with you. It’s here: https://github.com/VladilenK/Manage-m365-with-PowerShell

Manage result layouts for SharePoint results in Microsoft Search

Microsoft is improving Search (MC489165): Manage result layouts for SharePoint results in Microsoft Search We’re making changes to Microsoft Search. This update will allow Microsoft Search administrators to change result layouts for select SharePoint content using adaptive cards with Result Type feature in Microsoft Search administration. The default result layouts for SharePoint sites, pages, list […]