Manage Microsoft 365 groups membership with PowerShell and Graph API

As SharePoint or Teams admin you manage Microsoft 365 groups (create, update, delete, manage membership etc.) having your admin role activated. I prefer PowerShell 7 and Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module, and I need an Azure registered app with “Group.ReadWrite.All” Microsoft Graph API delegated permission.

Some findings:

If a user was not a group member or group owner – and the user is added to the group members – this user will get notification “You’ve joined the <Group Name> group” via e-mail that comes from a group e-mail address.

When a user is added to the group owners (or elevated to group owner if user was a group member) – user does not get notification.

When a user was a group owner and now you are adding this user to the group members – user does not get notification.

All the actions are logged into Microsoft 365 audit log under your personal Id.

Script samples:

# This script is just a sample to demonstrate basic technique on getting, updating groups membership and deletion m365 groups with PowerShell and MS Graph
# please do not run this script as is, but update it based on your needs

# authentication with personal Id
#  app must have as minimum "Group.ReadWrite.All" Microsoft Graph API delegated permission
#  user must have SharePoint admin (or Teams admin) roles activated
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientid -TenantId $tenantId 
Get-MgContext | Select-Object Scopes -ExpandProperty Scopes

# sample data
$groups = @()
$groups += [PSCustomObject]@{GroupId = '443d22ae-683a-4fe4-8875-7bd78227a026' }
$groups += [PSCustomObject]@{GroupId = 'e5805388-c18c-48c0-b42d-6223cf8f3d82' }

# Get Groups
foreach ($group in $groups) {
    Get-MgGroup -GroupId $group.GroupId

# add members to the group
$groupId = '443d22ae-683a-4fe4-8875-7bd78227a026'
$userId = 'df74e0d3-d78c-495b-b47a-549437d93cf7' # Adele
New-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupId -DirectoryObjectId $userId

# add Owner to the group
$groupId = '443d22ae-683a-4fe4-8875-7bd78227a026'
$userId = 'eacd52fb-5ae0-45ec-9d17-5ded9a0b9756' # Megan
New-MgGroupOwner -GroupId $groupId -DirectoryObjectId $userId

# Delete group
$groupId = '443d22ae-683a-4fe4-8875-7bd78227a026'
Remove-MgGroup -GroupId $groupId


Microsoft 365 ownerless group policy to send more than 10,000 notifications

It is known that a single Microsoft Exchange account is not sending more than 10k emails per day.

It is also know that once activated – Microsoft 365 groups ownerless policy will be sending notifications for all groups in scope to specified number of group members within 24 hours.

The question is: what if there are more than 10,000 notifications to send (e.g. 4,000 ownerless groups and the policy is configured to send notification to 3 members per group – that gives us 12,000 notifications to send)? Would the policy send 10k notifications and the rest 2k notifications the next day?

I’m conducting an experiment. I created 10k groups in my lab tenant with one owner and 3 random members. Then I configured a policy that is sending notification to a 3 most active members (in this case – random members). And then I made all these groups ownerless by deleting the single owner Id from Azure AD (Microsoft Entra).

Here is what I got from users perspective:

useruser groups
got messages
day 1
got messages
day 2
got messages
1 Roger50121374
2 Dick50391349
3 Bob51083412
4 Bapu49081376
5 Stas49961437
6 David49591377

Here is what audit log says:

Events “OwnerlessGroupNotified” day 1: 4949
Events “OwnerlessGroupNotified” day 2: 95
Events “OwnerlessGroupNotified” total: 5044
Each event details says 3 members were notified.

It seems like groups are selected by policy in random order.

Massive E-mails sending was started 43 minutes after midnight UTC

“OwnerlessGroupNotified” were logged at the rate of
1925 events during 1-st hour,
2029 events during 2-nd hour,
785 events during 3-rd hour,
176 events during 4-th hour,
26 events during 5-24 th hour,
95 events during next 25-48 hours
so max rate was one event every 3 seconds in the beginning (or 1 e-mail per second) …


Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins…


You are trying to register an application at SharePoint site with appregnew.aspx page and you are getting an error or notification message “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to create an Azure Access Control (ACS) principal“.

Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn't allow site collection admins to create an Azure Access Control (ACS) principal. Please contact your SharePoint tenant administrator

Or you are trying to provide ACS-based permissions for an application to SharePoint site with appinv.aspx page and you are getting “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to update app permissions. Please contact your SharePoint administrator.

Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn't allow site collection admins to update app permissions. Please contact your SharePoint tenant administrator

You can still view and even delete your apps permissions from /_layouts/15/appprincipals.aspx page:


This is due to a recent update to Microsoft 365 (tenant governance security measures enhancement MC660075) implemented by Microsoft in Aug/Sep 2023. According to the update, only tenant administrators can create or update ACS service principal by default.

The root cause for this is that the Microsoft is pushing developers out of that legacy ACS-based SharePoint Apps-only service principals towards Azure-registered applications with Sites.Selected API permissions as they are more secure etc.
In Nov 2023 Microsoft announcement retirement of ACS principals.

Key differences between ASC and Sites.Selected are:

ACS-based SharePoint app/permissionsApps registered in Azure with Sites.Selected API permissions
Support authentication with client secret only, Secrets are valid for 1 year exactly.Support authentication with client secret and/or certificate, custom expiration time.
Support granular access to SharePoint site, e.g. to site collection or web (subsite) or a specific list or library.Support only access to entire site collection (but Microsoft says granular access is coming)
Granular permissions are available – ‘Lists.SelectedOperations.Selected’, ‘ListItems.SelectedOperations.Selected’ and ‘Files.SelectedOperations.Selected’ permissions allows to provide application access to list, library or list item or particular documents
Support only classic SharePoint REST API and CSOMSupport both – classic SharePoint REST API and CSOM and Microsoft Graph API
App id (client id) is created via appregnew.aspx at a specific SharePoint site by site collection administrator (disabled in Sep 2023).App id (client id) is created in Azure portal (Entra Id), API Sites.Selected permissions are configured via Azure portal (Entra Id) and require tenant admin consent.
Permissions for the app to a site are provided at the site by site collection administrator via appinv.aspx page (disabled in Sep 2023).Permissions for the App to to a specific SharePoint site are provided via Graph API by SharePoint admin with PowerShell script.

Solution #1 – switch to Sites.Selected

  1. Register an application in Azure (via Entra Id – Azure portal GUI, PowerShell script or your company’s specific helpdesk/servicedesk request)
  2. Update the app so both – MS Graph API Sites.Selected and SharePoint Sites.Selected permissions are configured, then
  3. API permissions must be consented – so you’d seek/request your tenant admin consent
  4. Obtain and upload client certificate (recommended) or generate client secret
    (at this moment you should be able to authenticate to tenant)
  5. Request access for the app to a specific SharePoint site – your SharePoint service admin should be able to do that
    (at this moment you should be able to authorize to your SharePoint site).
  6. Validate your app has access to the target SharePoint site with PowerShell
    (check validation scripts below under References).
  7. Use recommended by Microsoft technique, code samples are available for the most popular languages/platforms – Python, C#, Java etc. (check below under References).
  8. Secure your certificate and/or secret. It is not a good idea to use hard-coded secrets, so consider using special services/storages for secrets (aka Vaults)

If you are hosting your application in Azure – consider using managed identity.

Step-by-step guide with screenshot – how to get app with Sites.Selected permissions

Video guide on using Sites.Selected to access SharePoint as application:

There are 3-rd party (and Microsoft) apps developed using classic approach (examples – Azure data Factory, Alteryx). So in some cases Sites.Selected permissions are not enough to get access to SharePoint.

Solution #2 – admin to register/update an ACS app

This option is acceptable if you have existing application that require ACS-based access.
This option is not recommended for new development, as ACS is deprecated and scheduled for retirement.

Microsoft (MC660075 in Message Center): “site collection admin will be unable to register app or update app permissions through above pages unless authorized explicitly by the SharePoint tenant admin” and “With this update site owners will not be able to register/update apps unless the tenant admin explicitly allows it.”

That is incorrect. Site collection admin cannot register app (appregnew) or provide permissions to the app (appinv) anymore. Tenant admin does not authorize site collection admins. Instead tenant (or SharePoint) admin can register an app or provide permissions to the app at a specific site (not changing the entire default behavior back…). But there was no such option (!) in the middle of October 2023, when this feature was enabled at all tenants. Even having a SharePoint admin or tenant admin permissions – if you tried to register an app with AppRegNew.aspx – you got the same error message “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to…”.

Later (Checked today – Nov 6, 2023) it seems like Microsoft has implemented it! E.g. now SharePoint or tenant admin is able to register an app with AppRegNew.aspx or update it with AppInv.aspx at any specific site collection. SharePoint or tenant admin must also be among this site collection admins.

It is ok (and I’d say the preferred way) to provide ACS permissions to the app registered in Azure, so do not register apps in SharePoint anymore (do not use AppRegNew.aspx).

Bottom line: if ACS-based permissions are required for app here you go:

  • register application in Azure (Entra id)
  • activate your SharePoint service/tenant admin role
  • ensure you are also target site collection administrator
  • navigate to the site appinv.aspx page – e.g.
    and us Azure registered app (client) Id. E.g. for lookup provide
    • Azure registered app (client) Id for – click lookup
    • localhost as app domain
    • https://localhost as redirect url
    • Permission Request XML – depending on permissions you need, e.g. for full app access to entire site collection:
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">  
   <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" 
    Right="FullControl" />

Solution #3 – step back (not recommended)

It is possible to switch back this new default behavior that prevents site collection admin to register/update apps at SharePoint. This is done with PowerShell command

Set-SPOTenant -SiteOwnerManageLegacyServicePrincipalEnabled $true

To run this command – you’d need to be a SharePoint service or tenant admin.

But this will be a step back on your journey in improving m365 tenant safety, as after that you’ll have a self-registered service principals out of control again. So devs will be using it not being aware of ACS retirement and when Microsoft switch off ACS – it will be a disaster, as all app will stop working. That is why Microsoft implemented this feature to soft-disable ACS and allowed us 2 years to redesign or apps and migrate from ACS to Entra Id apps with Sites.Selected. So this solution is not recommended.

In case you really need an exception to provide an ACS-based service principal – there is Solution number 2.

Full text of Microsoft’s MC660075 message

(Updated) SharePoint admin control for App registration / update


Message Summary
Updated August 30, 2023: We have updated the content below for clarity. Thank you for your patience.

This is an enhancement to the security measures for administrative governance that modifies the default procedures for SharePoint app registration via AppRegNew.aspx page and permission updates via AppInv.aspx page. Following the implementation of this change, site collection admin will be unable to register app or update app permissions through above pages unless authorized explicitly by the SharePoint tenant admin.

Upon attempting to register an application on AppRegnew.aspx page, a notification will be displayed stating “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to create an Azure Access Control (ACS) principal. Please contact your SharePoint tenant administrator.”

Similarly, upon attempting to update app permissions on AppInv.aspx page, a notification will be displayed stating “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to update app permissions. Please contact your SharePoint tenant administrator.”

Kindly note that app registration and permission update via Microsoft Azure portal are not impacted by this change.

When this will happen:

The rollout process is scheduled to commence in late August and is expected to conclude in mid-September.

How this will affect your organization:

With this update site owners will not be able to register/update apps unless the tenant admin explicitly allows it.

To modify the default behavior, the tenant administrator must execute the following shell command to explicitly establish the flag as TRUE, thereby superseding the default value of FALSE. The service principal can only be created or updated by the tenant administrator by default. However, when the flag is set to TRUE, both the SharePoint tenant admin and site collection admin will be able to create or update the service principal through SharePoint.

The shell command is: Set-SPOTenant -SiteOwnerManageLegacyServicePrincipalEnabled $true

Note: The property ‘SiteOwnerManageLegacyServicePrincipalEnabled’ becomes visible in tenant settings after SharePoint Online Management shell is updated to 16.0.23710.12000 or a later version. But before this rollout, the value will always be TRUE even explicitly set to FALSE. It will only automatically be switched to FALSE as the default value after the rollout is launched.

What you need to do to prepare:

No proactive measures are required to prepare for this change. Nevertheless, it is advisable to inform your users of this modification and update any relevant documentation as necessary.


Sites.Selected API permissions for SharePoint access

Sites.Selected permissions are required for the non-interactive applications to get access to a specific SharePoint site using Microsoft Graph API and/or SharePoint API.
(Since Microsoft announced EOL of SharePoint App-only service principals, Sites.Selected is the only option going forward). Below are

Brief overview of Sites.Selected

Historically, we utilized so called SharePoint app-only service principals to get unattended (daemon/service) access to one specific site programmatically. Initially in on-prem, later in SPO. SharePoint app-only service principals use ACS-based authentication and allow calls to SharePoint (REST) API and usage of SharePoint CSOM.

Then Microsoft started developing Graph API. You’d need to register your app in Azure to get App Id and App secret to authenticate to Microsoft Graph API. You’d also configure specific API permissions for this app to get access to services you need. Unfortunately, for a long time there were no options to get access to only one specific site with Graph API. Available API permissions allowed access to entire SharePoint only.

Then, in 2021 Microsoft introduced Graph API “Sites.Selected” application permissions. Hooray! The problem was dev had to have two service principals – new Sites.Selected to call Graph API and classic SP-App-only to call SharePoint API. Later, in 2022 Microsoft implemented SharePoint “Sites.Selected” API permissions… More on this

Long story short, below are the detailed steps to configure Sites.Selected for you unattended app access to SharePoint site.

Steps to get and configure Sites.Selected permissions

1. Register an application in Azure (Entra Id) via Azure portal GUI, PowerShell script or helpdesk/servicedesk request. E.g. with GUI you’d login to,
the search for “App registrations” and select “+ New registration”:

With PowerShell you’d do it with e.g. Register-PnPEntraIDApp cmdlet.

If you are not allowed to register an Entra Id app due to permissions restrictions in your company – connect with your IT/admins, as there must me some way to request an app.

Once you get an application registration – you are this app owner now – you should be able to navigate to your app registration and configure it (see Step 2 and below).

2. Update the app “API permissions” – so both – MS Graph API Sites.Selected and SharePoint Sites.Selected application API permissions are configured:

Request tenant admin consent for your API permissions. Finally your app registration “API permissions” should look like:

3. App Secret or Certificate
Under Certificates and secrets – generate client secret, copy secret value to safe location.

Or you can obtain trusted (or create a self-signed) certificate, and upload it to your app registration. Certificates are considered as more secure option then secrets.

4. At the Overview page – grab your app client id and tenant id :

At this moment, having tenant id, app (client) id and client secret (or certificate) – you should be able to authenticate against Microsoft 365 tenant with app-only authentication path.

But! Having just Sites.Selected API permissions configured for app does not mean your app has access to any SharePoint site. Access for the app to a specific site is provided by SharePoint team via Graph API calls. That leads us to the next step.

5. Application access to SharePoint site
You need to request this from your SharePoint service admin (or if you are an admin – DIY), but access needs to be provided for the specific app to the specific site with specified permissions (Read-Only or Read/Write or Manage or Full Control)
Here is the Graph API
Here is PowerShell PNP cmdlet

Interesting that MS Graph advertises 3 possible roles – read, write and owner, but PNP team says you can select from 4 roles – Read, Write, Manage or FullControl.

Obviously, Read role allows an app to read site content;
Write role is similar to “Contributor” user permissions – it allows CRUD operations against list items (library documents and metadata), but does not allow create/update/delete lists/libraries (for this – you’d need Manage role).

Use Sites.Selected permissions

Once your SharePoint tenant/service admin confirmed that access has been provided – you can use app client id and client secret (or certificate) to work with SharePoint from your code using Graph API. There are some good tutorials published:

Generally, this Sites.Selected permissions allows you to make calls that are documented under “Files” and “Sites and Lists” Graph API documentation. I.e. get site details, get site lists/libraries, create lists and libraries, CRUD operations against list items, download/upload library documents – all within the specific site. Sites.Selected permissions does not allow search operations, anything related to group or team etc.

If you have concerns if permissions for your app were provided correctly or not – you can validate your app access to the target SharePoint site with simple PowerShell scripts: here is the sample code

Note: Sites.Selected API permissions allows you call Microsoft Graph API with client Id and client secret. Calling SharePoint API with client secret is not supported. You have to use client id and certificate to call SharePoint API having app with Sites.Selected permissions.

Call SharePoint API with client Id and client secret is possible only if ACS-based permissions are provided for the app to the site, which is not recommended due to announced retirement (see below).

Secure your credentials

You do not want to hard-code your client secret as you do not want your credentials be leaked. So you need to secure your secrets in production. Solutions for secrets are included in cloud providers offerings, you can also use GitHub environment variables. If you are hosting your application in Azure – consider using key vault to keep your secrets. You can configure managed identity for your application and provide access to the key vault for you application managed id.

Govern Sites.Selected permissions

(For SharePoint admins).

Existing admins API/cmdlets allows yo to provide Sites.Selected permissions for specific app to specific site, and to get Sites.Selected permissions provided to the specific site. But there is no API/cmdlet for the specific app to get all sites (with permissions) this app has access to. Meantime as SharePoint admin if you keep providing permissions upon users/devs requests – after some time you have no idea what app has access to what site with which level of access, especially in large organizations.

Surely you can (and should) pull reports on all registerd apps with access to SharePoint, but…

There is a solution developed by Joe Rodgers (Microsoft). This solution use SharePoint list as an inventory/storage and Power Automate flows to pull data from Entra Id and SharePoint and provides kind of dashboard so you can review details of all app registrations in the tenant with at SharePoint Online permission. Cool!

Note: you would not provide Sites.Selected permissions just upon user/developer request. You’d always get an approval from target site owner. Target site owner must understand that application will have permanent unattended access to entire SharePoint site with permissions specified (read or write or manage or full control).

Sites.Selected permissions provisioning automation

(for SharePoint admins)

Generally, to provide an Application with Sites.Selected API permissions configured access to a specific site, SharePoint admin would run a set of PowerShell commands (or C# program or…) to ensure the client id exists, API permissions are configured and consented, to get app owners, target site owners, to get existing app permissions etc. Finally, admin would provide permissions and validate that permissions were provided correctly. It does not take long…

But in medium and large environments number of requests could be significant enough to start thinking of automation. I do have a separate article and video on Sites.Selected permissions provisioning automation.

Classic ACS permissions vs Sites.Selected permissions

Note: ACS-based permissions are deprecated:
Your SharePoint admin doesn’t allow site owners to create/update ACS principal ⋆ Vladilen Microsoft 365 engineer

Though Sites.Selected is our choice going forward, old classic ACS-based App-only permissions have some advantages (unique features) Sites.Selected does not have, e.g. ability to provide permissions not to entire site, but to specific list or subsite only. You can get more details checking this article for Comparison between Azure Apps and Entra Id Sites.Selected API permissions vs SharePoint app-only spn and ACS-based permissions.

Microsoft announced decommissioning of ACS permissions. So using ACS for any new development is not recommended.

It may be acceptable to grant ACS permissions to existing custom applications or third-party or Microsoft apps/web apps (e.g. Alteryx, Azure Data Factory) – applications that only support a client ID and secret and use the SharePoint API under the hood – but only to avoid disruption to business processes and keeping in mind that ACS will expire soon, so these applications must be replaced/updated before 2026.

Update: Microsoft implemented granular (permissions to list, item or file) alongside with Sites.Selected permissions. Original implementations of Sites.Selected allowed access to entire site collection only. With new ‘Lists.SelectedOperations.Selected’, ‘ListItems.SelectedOperations.Selected’ and ‘Files.SelectedOperations.Selected’ permissions it is possible to provide application permissions to list, library or list item or particular document (reference).


SharePoint AppRegNew.aspx and AppInv.aspx

There are well-known SharePoint app-only service principals and ACS-based permissions. It is kind of old-school way – introduced as part of Add-Ins for SharePoint 2013 – to get unattended access to SharePoint site (application access, i.e. access without user presence). Such apps are called daemon apps or service apps or background jobs etc…

Microsoft announced retirement of ACS in 2026 and takes measures to stop using ACS in new and existing tenants. For you to smoothly switch to new, recommended Entra Id based service principals and permissions – it is important to know some details about classic app-only service principals and ACS-based permissions.

As you know, any access is a two-step procedure:

  • Authentication, when systems ensures you are indeed the one you claim you are
  • Authorization, when system grants you access to the resource, as it knows that this id is allowed to access such and such resource with these permissions

So, when it comes to deprecated SharePoint app-only service principals and ACS-based permissions, AppRegNew is responsible for authentication and AppInv is responsible for authorization.


To get a SharePoint app-only service principal – you’d need to register a new one at any SharePoint site using the AppRegNew.aspx page. This page is not available from GUI, so you’d need to type the Url manually. You’d need to be a site collection admin to register a new app.

Let say, your site Url is ““.
Then this appregnew page’s Url would be

If you go to this page, you’ll see (*) something like

You’d click generate client id, then generate client secret and type your app display name. I usually use “localhost” as app domain and “https://localhost” as redirect Url.

If all good – you’d get app id (client id) and app secret (client secret) and you’d be able to authenticate to your SharePoint site.


Providing permissions for your SharePoint app-only service principal to your SharePoint site is done using AppInv.aspx page. This page is also not available from GUI, so you’d need to type the Url manually again. You’d need to be a site collection admin to use this page.

Let say, your site Url is ““.
Then this appinv page’s Url would be

If you go to this page, you’ll see (*) something like

At this moment – you need to enter app (client) id here and click lookup – so all the app metadata would be populated, then you’d need to enter Permission Request XML.
Via this “Permission Request XML” you are specifying exact permissions your app will have in this site. E.g. you can specify scope – all site collection or one specific subsite (web) or even one specific list or library. Also you can specify permissions level – e.g. read, read/write, manage or full control. This is tricky, but let me share some examples with you.

Permission Request XML for the app to have full control over entire site collection:

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">  
   <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" 
    Right="FullControl" />

Permission Request XML for the app to have read access to a subsite (web):

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">  
  <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" 
   Right="Read" />

Permission Request XML for the app to have read/write access to a list/library:

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">  
   <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web/list" 
    Right="Write" />

Any mistake in XML might prevent app access, so be very careful.

Finally, your AppInv.aspx page would look like

If you specify scope as web – you’d do it on the specific web url, e.g.

If you specify scope as list – you’d do it on the specific web url, e.g.
and after you click “Save” – there will be a page – you’ll be asked to choose a list from available web lists.

After all, you’ll be asked to confirm that you trust the app:

And after that your app (SharePoint app-only service principal) will have access (ACS-based access) to you site.


From site settings page (/_layouts/15/settings.aspx) you should be able to see apps registered on your site with “Site app permissions” or “Site collection app permissions” links available via GUI. That would be “appprincipals.aspx” page.

Unfortunately, you cannot see you app permissions here or your secret expiration time. Some date can be pulled via PowerShell with Get-PnPAzureACSPrincipal

Possible complications

After Microsoft announced retirement of ACS – you can see this message on appinv and appregnew pages:

You might also see “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to create an Azure Access Control (ACS) principal” message at appregnew page and “Your SharePoint tenant admin doesn’t allow site collection admins to update app permissions. Please contact your SharePoint administrator.” at appinv page.

That’s because a recent update to Microsoft 365 (MC660075) pushed by Microsoft in Aug/Sep 2023 changes default behavior so only tenant administrators can create or update ACS service principal by default.

If you are facing issues above – or you want to switch to modern Entra Id service principals, but by some reasons you need ACS-based permissions – here is the article on “Entra Id vs ACS for SharePoint and how to survive during transition period


How to remove specific account from Microsoft 365 people search

WIP… This is to support YouTube video with test results data

Typeservice accountadmindisabled
Appears in search vertical All
Appears in search vertical People
Appears in Outlook people picker
Appears in Outlook – Users Address List
Hide account with “Show in global address list” set to “No” (same as “Hide from global address list (GAL)” set to “True”);
Wait from 4 hours to 2 weeks 🙂
Status: Appears under search
– Teams: All
– Teams: People
– Bing: All
– Bing: People
–, SharePoint: All
–, SharePoint: People
Status: Appears in orgstructure
– Teams
– Bing
–, SharePoint
Appears in Outlook people picker
Appears in Outlook – Users Address List
Action: Hide account from search with
“ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User property set to “False”
Wait… from 4 hours to 2 weeks
Status: Appears under search
– Teams: All
– Teams: People
– Bing: All
– Bing: People
–, SharePoint: All
–, SharePoint: People
Status: Appears in orgstructure
– Teams
– Bing
–, SharePoint
Appears in Outlook people picker
Appears in Outlook – Users Address List

Connecting to Microsoft 365 SharePoint and Graph API from Azure Function App

Let say you need to run some code against Microsoft 365 on a scheduled basis. For this, you can use Azure Function App and timer-triggered Functions. From the code you’d call Microsoft Graph API and/or SharePoint API, so you’d need your Function to get credentials on the fly and use it to call APIs. For this – you’d have a key vault where credentials will be be stored and retrieved by functions when needed. Here we’ll create, configure and secure a scheduled Azure Function and Azure Key Vault.

First, we’ll create a resource group, e.g. “Azure-Func-Secured”.

Next, we’ll create a function app:

We’ll avoid the default “Flex Consumption” service plan (as it is Linux-only and does not support dependencies) and select “Consumption” a hosting option for now:

Runtime stack we’ll be using is PowerShell Core 7.4, but you can choose your own (options are – Python, .Net (C#), Node.js, Java). Let us leave other configuration settings by default (e.g. Enable Public access: On) for now, we’ll fix (secure) it later.

Ok, the function app has been created. Notice that app service plan, application insights and storage account, as well as some other services were created automatically under the same resource group:

Now we can create one or more functions under this function app, also we’d need to create a key vault and a registered app. Let us start with function and VS Code would be our environment of choice.

Let us start Visual Studio Code in a separate folder. Ensure you have “Azure Functions”, “Azure Resources” and PowerShell extensions by Microsoft. You’d sign-in to Azure:

and create a function project:

You’d choose “Timer triggered” function (as we need the function running on schedule), the function name would be MyScheduledFunct01 and we’d leave the default schedule as “0 */5 * * * *” – so our function will be triggered every 5 minutes.

Let us deploy the function right away and see if it works. For this, we can use “deploy” icon under “WORKSPACE” panel:

or “Deploy to function app” option from the function app context pop-up menu under the Azure “RESOURCES” panel:

After successful deployment give it some time, then check function invocations and ensure function is triggered an running:

Next, we’d update “requirements.psd1” to include Azure Key Vault and PnP PowerShell modules as it takes some time for the function app to pull in and install dependencies. Requirements.psd1:

# This file enables modules to be automatically managed by the Functions service.
# See for additional information.
    # For latest supported version, go to ''. Uncomment the next line and replace the MAJOR_VERSION, e.g., 'Az' = '5.*'
    # 'Az' = 'MAJOR_VERSION.*'
    'Az.KeyVault' = '6.*'
    'PnP.PowerShell' = '2.*'

And we’d update function itself to monitor if dependencies are installed, than we’d deploy the function again so time would work for us. MyScheduledFunction/run.ps1:

# Input bindings are passed in via param block.
$currentUTCtime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
if ($Timer.IsPastDue) {
    Write-Host "PowerShell timer is running late!"
Write-Host "PowerShell timer trigger function ran! TIME: $currentUTCtime"
Write-Host "Check modules installed:"
Import-Module PnP.PowerShell 
Import-Module Az.KeyVault
Get-Module PnP.PowerShell
Get-Module Az.KeyVault
Write-Host "Check command available:"
Get-Command -Name Connect-PnPOnline -Module PnP.PowerShell

At first, we might see warning like “The first managed dependency download is in progress, function execution will continue when it’s done. Depending on the content of requirements.psd1, this can take a few minutes. Subsequent function executions will not block and updates will be performed in the background.”. So we’d just wait.

After some time the function will be able to use required modules. Here is the invocation output example:

App Registration
To get unattended access to SharePoint (or Teams or Exchange etc.) as a service (daemon) application – we need credentials. It is done via “App Registration” under Entra Id (Azure AD) – here is the detailed step-by-step guide on registering apps in Azure.

Finally, we’d have a service principal with permissions we need:

We do not hard-code secrets, so let us create a key vault to keep secrets safe:

We’d leave all other configuration option by default, including “Azure role-based access control”, Allow access from: All Networks etc.

Here is the trick: even if I created this key vault and have an admin-level access, I’m not able to work with secrets values. So I need to provide additional access to myself. Being at the key vault, navigate to “Access control (IAM)” and add role assignment…

We’d select “Key Vault Secrets Officer”, next, select members… and select own name:

From this moment you should be able to CRUD secrets with values.

Now, let us generate a secret under App registration and copy secret value:

Then navigate to the Key Vault -> Object/Secrets -> Generate/Import – and save the secret value there:

Now you can get this secret… but the function cannot reach the secret… Here is the proof. Let us update the function code with:

Write-Host "Get secret from the key vault:"
$vaultName = "azure-func-secrets"
$secretName = "azure-func-secured-01"
$kvSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $vaultName -Name $secretName -AsPlainText
Write-Host "Secret:" $kvSecret.Substring(0,3)

and check the function output. You’d see something like (which is not very descriptive):

So, how’d we allow key vault access for the function app? It’s as simple as that:
– first, we’d need some identity assigned to function app
– second, we’d provide access to the key vault to this identity

Managed Identity: assign an identity to the function.
For this, you’d go to function Settings/Identity, and under System Assigned, you’d switch status to On and Save settings.

Then, you’d go to your key vault, Access Control (IAM) and add role assignment. But this time, you’d select the role “Key Vault Secrets User” (more about roles), and “Assign access to” Managed Identity, and select members – select your function app identity (notice, identity is assigned to function app, so all functions under the app will be able to use the identity):

Now, we’d check the next function invocation detail, and voila:

You can see that azure function was able on the fly to pull secret from the key vault, so now we should be able to use these credentials to access SharePoint.

As you know, having client id and client secret would allow you to call MS Graph API. But calling SharePoint API would require authentication with a certificate. “PnP.PowerShell” module use both APIs under the hood, so we’d need a certificate to connect to tenant and work with SharePoint using “PnP.PowerShell” module. Please refer to this article on how to run Connect-PnPOnline with Certificate stored in the Key Vault.
